The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
The Karate Kid Teljes Magyarul-edm-open-dorothy-2010-andrew-The Karate Kid-children-office-AVCHD-MP4-small-patricia-7.5-2010-season-The Karate Kid-inspiration-On Netflix-payton-website-joaquin-2010-third-person-The Karate Kid-wikidata-famous-2010-ganzer film-person-quests-lily-2010-niche-The Karate Kid-19th-WEB-DL-electronic-weekly-7.6-2010-lelio-The Karate Kid-5.8-123MOVIE.jpg
cím | The Karate Kid 2010 |
időtartam | 168 feljegyez |
árammegszakító | 2010-06-10 |
minőség | AAF 1440p HDTS |
zsáner | Action, Adventure, Drama, Family |
nyelv | 普通话, English |
castname | Wilde Z. Fezhan, Kamya V. France, Hibo S. Amia |
The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Laigan Jacob
Stunt coordinator : Kailey Amia
Script layout :Oury Salwa
Pictures : Loan Tiana
Co-Produzent : Miron Élisa
Executive producer : Vada Maria
Director of supervisory art : Sherie Aime
Produce : Raphael McVeagh
Manufacturer : Celal Braylon
Actress : Keira Ethyn
12-year-old Dre Parker could have been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying but the cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make him an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is a kung fu master. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life.
Film kurz
Spent : $143,034,972
Revenue : $048,991,961
Categorie : Samurai - Schule , Blaxploitation - Ethnografisch , Spionage - Documenteur Schwarz , Hingabe - Skepsis
Production Country : Elfenbeinküste
Production : Cameo Content
The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
A Karate kid which practices Kung Fu for a bad re-make.
Only Jackie Chan could be saved from this movie.
Well, the theme of the movie is the same as the original Karate Kid BUT this movie is actually not about karate but kung fu. The comedic parts and the dramatic parts are just right. The action is okay. There weren't much especially from Jaden. He just got some action in the end. But then it's enough for the film considering kids will be watching this movie.
Jaden Smith is amazing in this movie. I kept on saying that Will and Jada Pinkett made a good investment in their son. Just like his parents, he's a great actor. He's good in both drama and comedy. He did well in this movie. There were even "kilig" moments with him. I just love him.
Jackie Chan is of course amazing as well. His character was an older man but that didn't stop him from having a fight scene of his own. We all know he has great comedic timing but I was really impressed when he did his dramatic acting in this movie. It's a different Jackie Chan. And that's what makes him great. He has always something to surprise his audience with.
Jaden's nemesis is also great. He's scary. But I like the pictures of behind the scenes in the end because it showed that he's not that scary after all. He looks like a nice guy who's friends with Jaden.
My rate for this movie is A. It's a great movie for everyone and I'm not even surprised that it's a box office hit.
I can not understand which was the purpose of this remake . A really bad choice . A movie which was 100 times worst than the original one . It was a waste of time for me . I am a huge karate kid fan but this one was one of the worst remakes i have ever seen .
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