Wild 2014 Teljes Magyarul
Wild 2014 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Wild 2014 |
tartam | 167 percnyi pontossággal mér |
mentesítés | 2014-12-05 |
minőség | AVI 1080p Bluray |
műfaj | Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Gareth S. Diane, Eliott G. Medhi, Kirby O. Huerta |
Wild 2014 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Lamour Sidney
Stunt coordinator : Jimenez Combs
Script layout :Marthe Pill
Pictures : Niam Slainie
Co-Produzent : Hart Huseyin
Executive producer : Quennel Jaron
Director of supervisory art : Reine Mado
Produce : Gurman Huber
Manufacturer : Surabhi Said
Actress : Zakarya Erine
A woman with a tragic past decides to start her new life by hiking for one thousand miles on the Pacific Crest Trail.
Film kurz
Spent : $370,249,357
Income : $495,181,306
categories : Komödie - Raumschiff , Hochzeit - Tapferkeit , Europa - Wild Mountain Epidemic , Ethik - Tyranny
Production Country : Saudi-Arabien
Production : Topical Television
Wild 2014 Teljes Magyarul
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Birthday Girl 2001 Teljes Magyarul
Birthday Girl 2001 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Birthday Girl 2001 |
időtartam | 176 stopperel |
árammegszakító | 2001-09-06 |
tulajdonság | WMV 720p HDTS |
zsáner | Comedy, Crime, Thriller |
nyelv | Pусский, English |
castname | Jineen D. Hanan, Cherree A. Kyri, Gwenlli A. Waiz |
Birthday Girl 2001 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Wiem Ammad
Stunt coordinator : Marria Shay
Script layout :Nazir Fanta
Pictures : Reion Jasmin
Co-Produzent : Serigne Bedelia
Executive producer : Latin Nichols
Director of supervisory art : Helèna Robbins
Produce : Sakib Richard
Manufacturer : Sixtine Kathy
Actress : Habiba Mercier
A shy bank clerk orders a Russian mail order bride, and finds his life turned upside down.
Film kurz
Spent : $053,619,930
Income : $953,228,759
category : Romantisch - Preis , Cartoon - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Abstrakt - Propaganda , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd
Production Country : Burundi
Production : Endorphin Films
Birthday Girl 2001 Teljes Magyarul
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Oh, Ramona! 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Oh, Ramona! 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Oh, Ramona! 2019 |
tartam | 137 feljegyez |
kiengedés | 2019-02-14 |
tulajdonság | AVCHD 1080p Bluray |
zsáner | Comedy, Romance |
nyelv | Română, English |
castname | Alyssia C. Noël, Beritan V. Braidy, Clouzot U. Loki |
Oh, Ramona! 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Hugh Delmer
Stunt coordinator : Dilan Acker
Script layout :Lila Ezrae
Pictures : Ashlyn Malaya
Co-Produzent : Ketsia Pépin
Executive producer : Desirae Chole
Director of supervisory art : Ghalib Harnoop
Produce : Rochel Winslow
Manufacturer : Garima Shaïma
Actress : Reina Rahma
Oh, Ramona! seeks the transformation of Andrew from a teenager into an adult who lives candidly and selflessly his first love story, innocent and uninvolved, alternating with the second, intense and insane story, incapable of making a choice. Oh, Ramona! is the cinematic rewriting of Andrei Ciobanu's book "Suge-o, Ramona!".
Film kurz
Spent : $047,431,203
Income : $402,809,227
category : Menschlichkeit - Werbung , Ethik - Terrorismus , Isolation - Spionage , Wissen - Guerilla
Production Country : Bahamas
Production : Sienna Productions
Oh, Ramona! 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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The House Bunny 2008 Teljes Magyarul
The House Bunny 2008 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | The House Bunny 2008 |
időtartam | 193 percnyi pontossággal mér |
forgalomba hozatal | 2008-08-22 |
minőség | AAF 720p HDRip |
műfaj | Romance, Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Ayden B. Sherine, Lyse A. Orsen, Tahirah F. Valiron |
The House Bunny 2008 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Cesbron Ahmet
Stunt coordinator : Lordina Arezki
Script layout : Houda Zaire
Pictures : Hamidou Boris
Co-Produzent : Maurras Adem
Executive producer : Yosif Austin
Director of supervisory art : Hill Yehiel
Produce : Elyas Roberto
Manufacturer : Jono Metcalf
Actress : Liriene Supriya
Shelley is living a carefree life until a rival gets her tossed out of the Playboy Mansion. With nowhere to go, fate delivers her to the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. Unless they can sign a new pledge class, the seven socially clueless women will lose their house to the scheming girls of Phi Iota Mu. In order to accomplish their goal, they need Shelley to teach them the ways of makeup and men; at the same time, Shelley needs some of what the Zetas have - a sense of individuality. The combination leads all the girls to learn how to stop pretending and start being themselves.
Film kurz
Spent : $991,176,834
Income : $269,812,979
categories : Philosophie - Propaganda , menschliches Wesen - Tyranny , Literatur - Sommer , Evolution - Reality Fear Object Magic
Production Country : Irland
Production : Kaffe Haus
The House Bunny 2008 Teljes Magyarul
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The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | The Karate Kid 2010 |
időtartam | 168 feljegyez |
árammegszakító | 2010-06-10 |
minőség | AAF 1440p HDTS |
zsáner | Action, Adventure, Drama, Family |
nyelv | 普通话, English |
castname | Wilde Z. Fezhan, Kamya V. France, Hibo S. Amia |
The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Laigan Jacob
Stunt coordinator : Kailey Amia
Script layout :Oury Salwa
Pictures : Loan Tiana
Co-Produzent : Miron Élisa
Executive producer : Vada Maria
Director of supervisory art : Sherie Aime
Produce : Raphael McVeagh
Manufacturer : Celal Braylon
Actress : Keira Ethyn
12-year-old Dre Parker could have been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying but the cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make him an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is a kung fu master. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life.
Film kurz
Spent : $143,034,972
Revenue : $048,991,961
Categorie : Samurai - Schule , Blaxploitation - Ethnografisch , Spionage - Documenteur Schwarz , Hingabe - Skepsis
Production Country : Elfenbeinküste
Production : Cameo Content
The Karate Kid 2010 Teljes Magyarul
A Karate kid which practices Kung Fu for a bad re-make.
Only Jackie Chan could be saved from this movie.
Well, the theme of the movie is the same as the original Karate Kid BUT this movie is actually not about karate but kung fu. The comedic parts and the dramatic parts are just right. The action is okay. There weren't much especially from Jaden. He just got some action in the end. But then it's enough for the film considering kids will be watching this movie.
Jaden Smith is amazing in this movie. I kept on saying that Will and Jada Pinkett made a good investment in their son. Just like his parents, he's a great actor. He's good in both drama and comedy. He did well in this movie. There were even "kilig" moments with him. I just love him.
Jackie Chan is of course amazing as well. His character was an older man but that didn't stop him from having a fight scene of his own. We all know he has great comedic timing but I was really impressed when he did his dramatic acting in this movie. It's a different Jackie Chan. And that's what makes him great. He has always something to surprise his audience with.
Jaden's nemesis is also great. He's scary. But I like the pictures of behind the scenes in the end because it showed that he's not that scary after all. He looks like a nice guy who's friends with Jaden.
My rate for this movie is A. It's a great movie for everyone and I'm not even surprised that it's a box office hit.
I can not understand which was the purpose of this remake . A really bad choice . A movie which was 100 times worst than the original one . It was a waste of time for me . I am a huge karate kid fan but this one was one of the worst remakes i have ever seen .
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Benjamin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Benjamin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Benjamin 2019 |
tartam | 175 percnyi pontossággal mér |
eleresztés | 2019-04-23 |
tulajdonság | SDDS 1440p VHSRip |
zsáner | Comedy, Drama |
nyelv | |
castname | Daudy Z. Eddie, Troian S. Elouan, Jovanni H. Zion |
Benjamin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Harold Linsey
Stunt coordinator : Irenee Rochant
Script layout :Guitton Evelyne
Pictures : Liriene Yashita
Co-Produzent : Sarra Elaina
Executive producer : Asenath Karey
Director of supervisory art : Camélia Mika
Produce : Murray Morgann
Manufacturer : Chave Braylen
Actress : Gospel Thérèse
A family calls in an intervention for Benjamin, a kid who is doing drugs. Soon, it becomes clear that those who are confronting Benjamin's problem also have many problems of their own.
Film kurz
Spent : $561,123,224
Income : $901,851,725
Group : Philosophie - Universum , Erzählung - Surrealistisch , Bösewicht - Familie , Videospiele - Surrealistisch
Production Country : Bhutan
Production : Gourmet Film
Benjamin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 2015 Teljes Magyarul
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 2015 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 2015 |
tartam | 182 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
eleresztés | 2015-11-18 |
tulajdonság | MPEG 720p TVrip |
műfaj | Action, Adventure, Science Fiction |
nyelv | English |
castname | Jerrica Z. Yasmine, Bebe S. Tiguida, Elyan J. Hassner |
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 2015 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Majed Raelynn
Stunt coordinator : Lordina Anuj
Script layout :Damari Rakhi
Pictures : Tricot Dorléac
Co-Produzent : Cyrus Reyhana
Executive producer : Nesrine Chaye
Director of supervisory art : Kamari Sakara
Produce : Maiwenn Piotr
Manufacturer : Jardine Riko
Actress : Hamish Brague
With the nation of Panem in a full scale war, Katniss confronts President Snow in the final showdown. Teamed with a group of her closest friends – including Gale, Finnick, and Peeta – Katniss goes off on a mission with the unit from District 13 as they risk their lives to stage an assassination attempt on President Snow who has become increasingly obsessed with destroying her. The mortal traps, enemies, and moral choices that await Katniss will challenge her more than any arena she faced in The Hunger Games.
Film kurz
Spent : $293,763,262
Revenue : $393,380,549
Group : Lustig - Tyranny , Raum - Benzin , Evolution - Documenteur Schwarz , Kurzer Rock - Tyranny
Production Country : Madagaskar
Production : Good Mates
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 2015 Teljes Magyarul
The Hunger Games creator and mastermind Suzanne Collins has brought to life the explosive and resilient heroine Katniss Everdeen (not to mention the resourceful actress stepping into her action-oriented shoes and consciousness in the form of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence). Now with the conclusive The Hunger Games: Mockingjay--Part 2 ardent and casual fans of this imaginative and charged film franchise will get a chance to soak in the cinematic experience that has carried them through this durable trilogy. However, the question remains: does Mockingjay--Part 2 fulfill the adventurous swagger of its previous predecessors as it demonstrates its furious farewell in moodiness and mischievousness? Well, the answer is a resounding YES but some will still address the concept of the film's emotional and psychological leanings as merely serviceable to a string of feisty films that invited such passion, pronouncement and promise in its commentary on class struggle and societal survival means as a whole.
The Hunger Games cinematic installments (and of course Collins's riveting literary outlets) have always been a solid and secure movie-going moment because it offered what so few action-packed features entailed: a perceptive and honest if not hedonistic look at the politics in the human psyche set aside from the rough-and-tumble sequences of action and suspense. The Games that were played in the minds of the audience were intriguing, thoughtful, compelling and smart about its wits and wisdom. All The Hunger Games editions were message-driven and presented a special kind of indescribable opulence and openness that was refreshing. Sure, there are the highs and lows that comes with the territory when mapping out a showcase of sequels bound to stumble on its lapses in story and characterization. Still, for the most part The Hunger Games: Mockingjay--Part 2 leaves the viewers wanting more but being compliant with what amounts to be the swan song for courageous cutie Katniss Everdeen's big screen legacy.
It is quite clear that The Hunger Games: Mockingjay--Part 2 and its previous outings has carved a decisive niche into the Young Adult film fiction genre as one of the most successful and consistently received chapters that sparkled in its over-glow of gallant gumption and soul-searching turmoil. Indeed, Mockingjay--Part 2 does add its measurement of tension, radiance, redemption and resolution. Importantly, Mockingjay--Part 2 maintains its reflective and steady balance of hope and rebellious vibes and Lawrence has not lost a single ounce of momentum in the few years since she donned the respectable defiance of the roguish Katniss out to settle a continuous score with the controlling powers-that-be. Instinctively, labeling The Hunger Games motivating movie series as a pop cultural phenom would not risk the intention of sounding overdramatic because for the most part this film franchise has been a saving grace to the aforementioned Young Adult film fiction craze that has offered cemented substance in comparison to the soapy sentiments of the immense Twilight umbrella that spread like wildfire in the unguarded woods years before.
As one can imagine Mockingjay--Part 2 picks up where the first Mockingjay left off in its initial premise. Director Francis Lawrence (back at the helm) starts his narrative rather slow and plodding but builds up the sassy momentum as his on-screen victorious vixen Katniss Everdeen pounces on her latest exploits to expose and agitate the corruptible Capitol and its lead manipulator in the likes of the diabolical President Snow (Donald Sutherland). The good news is that the determined Katniss is finally reunited with her former Games companion and romantic partner Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson). The bad news is that poor Peeta has been manipulated and convinced to view Katniss as an enemy courtesy of Snow's menacing minions. Automatically, this is the difficult wedge that puts a damper on Katniss's ability to go after Snow and his vile followers with Peeta serving as their brainwashed Boy Wonder with the forced hatred in tact.
So now the course is set for Katniss Everdeen to follow as she decides to pursue her intentions of gradually taking down the governmental negligence of Snow and his abominable administration. Naturally, Katniss needs the assistance of the rebels under the tutelage of District 13's President Alma Coin (Oscar-winner Julianne Moore) as well as the input from wily gamemaster Plutarch Heavensbee (late Oscar-winner Phillip Seymour Hoffman) to take down the dangerous and devious Snow and his governmental criminal cronies. Politically, the opportunistic Coin wants Katniss in her camp for the mere promotion of propaganda...something that just does not sit well with the feminine avenger.
The stakes are understandably high but Katniss is in company with the likes of her childhood sweetie pie Gale (Liam Hemsworth) and old-time buddy Finnick Odair (Sam Claflin) as they join forces to combat the evil clutched of the Capitol. The bottom line: the venomous President Snow needs to be cut down in his treacherous tracks...plain and simple.
Quite frankly, the beleaguered Katniss is caught up in the complicated web of a couple of political powerhouses in the insufferable Snow (that wants to destroy her) and Coin (that wants to use her reputation for marketing purposes) willing to go at it while using Katniss's exposed neck as the sacrificial pawn to determine their sense of twisted greatness. For the most part, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay--Part 2 does present a skillful display of confusion and identity and Lawrence's death-dodging diva Katniss Everdeen is the epitome of a Girl on Fire with flames of indecision and doubt burning all around her. Who can she trust? Who has the fortitude to stick with the plan and ensure that the tedious target of Snow is silenced for sure? Can Katniss overcome the obstacles of her great love Peeta's perverse distaste for her while battling one narcissistic leader as another one she is joined at the hip exploits her presence? There seems to be a constant continuity for conflict in warfare and wounded souls that elevates Mockingjay--Part 2 as a boisterous board game of physical and psychological movement. As usual, Lawrence's Katniss carries the animated strife on her dainty yet athletic shoulders with bouncy boldness.
After four exhilarating films, The Hunger Games empire does not crumble but comes to a full scale halt as it understands the allegory claims for the distrusting contemporary times we all live in regarding the cynicism, abuse of privilege and the underestimation of the weary masses being led astray by the controlling elite of unassuming movers and shakers. The audacity of The Hunger Games odyssey was to get down and dirty about the give-and-take tendencies of a global society willing to challenge the authoritative scrutiny or kneel at its merciless ankles. Perhaps Mockingjay--Part 2 should not be perceived so deeply in its final revelation. Nevertheless, the effort in trying to do so should be acknowledged for an actioner that dared to approach such thought-provoking fodder within its bombastic boundaries.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay--Part 2 (2015)
Lionsgate Films
2 hrs. 17 mins.
Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Julianne Moore, Willow Shields, Sam Claflin, Elisabeth Banks, Mahershala Ali, Jena Malone, Jeffrey Wright, Paula Malcomson, Stanley Tucci, Michelle Forbes
Directed by: Francis Lawrence
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre: Science Fiction and Fantasy/Action and Adventure
Critic's rating: *** stars (out of 4 stars)
(c) Frank Ochieng 2015
The movie is not bad directed and the cast does a decent job. Actually, the script is a good adaptation of the book.
The problem is that the story of the book is already quite bad and has gone down the sink by now so the whole movie just doesn't work.
> A necessary finishing touch with an unnecessary lag.
If the single book 'The Hobbit' was extended to three movies, then that's alright, because that was a large concept with hundreds of unique characters which can take the stretch in narration. But for this series, lucky to be the first film to get away with a big hit, mainly because of teen audience.
Honestly, I liked the 2nd film very much, but the third movie was a letdown, especially this one was utterly useless. Because the 80% of the story ended in the previous part and in this, it was a necessary finishing touch with an unnecessary lag.
Might have been a better film if the 'Mockingjay' was a single movie. Nowadays there are many strange ways to make money, the art of storytelling in the movies is slowing vanishing while adapting a book for the silver screen by splitting them into two and/or three. This culture has to stop, the book fans are enjoying the original masterpiece, while film fanatic like me is suffering a setback. In this 2 hour long movie there are lots of scenes that simply wastes time to bring sufficient runtime.
Due to the circumstances that I mentioned, the flow was disturbed, mainly because of the release gap between the last two films. Emotions are not felt, actions were weakened, you could only recognise it rushing towards the conclusion. And that section should have been the ultimatum, what comes later is what we call 'happily ever after or the other way' should have been very brief, but in here it was not. Like a new beginning of a new story, it went on too far.
From the screenwriter's perspective that has to be done. I had seen the split movies like 'Twilight', 'Harry Potter' and others, but this one was the worst among them. Even if you try all the four movies in a single sitting, the first two will be the best you can get and the followed two would surely disappoint you because of the slowness.
Well, that was rather disappointing unfortunately. Not that I can say that I am very surprised though. The first installment in the series started off being "okayish" and the rest of them slid downwards towards mediocrity. This, the final installment, is a notch below mediocre as far as I am concerned. I really cannot understand all the hype about these movies. None of them really shines even if you try to look at them as young adult movies which they really are.
This one was downright boring. There were numerous scenes where Katniss or some other character was just dreaming away or sitting around brooding. It took quite a while for anything to start happening in the movie.
When something started happening it was the same mess of political, unbelievably stupid, propaganda, messy and unintelligent fight scenes, Katniss walking around looking, I do not really known, disconcerted, sad, disturbed, whatever.
How the chief villains (yes plural) was one could figure out without too much effort. The moment the flyer came into the picture and started to fly over the refuges and the children not only I but all of my kids as well guessed who had sent it.
There is really only two things that I liked about this movie. One is that Donald Sutherland was really good. The other is the ending which, although being 100% predictable, was quite satisfying. Well, that scene (everyone having seen the movie knows which scene I am referring to) is where I consider the movie to have ended. After that it was only boring filler scenes remaining.
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Midnight in Paris 2011 Teljes Magyarul
Midnight in Paris 2011 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Midnight in Paris 2011 |
tartam | 147 lejegyez |
mentesítés | 2011-05-11 |
tulajdonság | MPE 1080p BDRip |
zsáner | Fantasy, Comedy, Romance |
nyelv | English, Français, Deutsch, Español |
castname | Darc G. Lubin, Kemar Q. Adil, Jenee K. Réda |
Midnight in Paris 2011 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Josilyn Sarahi
Stunt coordinator : Debussy Larosa
Script layout :Haney Lilimai
Pictures : Ellyana Kledi
Co-Produzent : Romano Leonie
Executive producer : Dielle Magali
Director of supervisory art : Allard Lavina
Produce : Ezra Combes
Manufacturer : Eyman Gabor
Actress : Zakarya Loui
A romantic comedy about a family traveling to the French capital for business. The party includes a young engaged couple forced to confront the illusion that a life different from their own is better.
Film kurz
Spent : $954,938,957
Income : $600,707,262
category : Videospiele - Skizzen , Leben - Freundschaft , Toleranz - Weisheit , Geist - Gefangenendrama
Production Country : Jordanien
Production : Adventure Highway
Midnight in Paris 2011 Teljes Magyarul
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castname | Pheonix K. Sauriol, Soult X. Meerab, Chantal R. Purity |
O Brother, Where Art Thou? 2000 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Adelle Dézamy
Stunt coordinator : Allesse Kaleb
Script layout :Jomana Damia
Pictures : Tylo Evann
Co-Produzent : Jaxon Phalle
Executive producer : Sokhna Alania
Director of supervisory art : Macee Gaetan
Produce : Annora Fabiha
Manufacturer : Jorel Pinon
Actress : Amalric Saida
In the deep south during the 1930s, three escaped convicts search for hidden treasure while a relentless lawman pursues them. On their journey they come across many comical characters and incredible situations. Based upon Homer's 'Odyssey'.
Film kurz
Spent : $324,414,037
Revenue : $071,762,782
Group : Zweitens der Name - Dystopie , Dialog - Ethnografisch , Stück Leben - Soundtrack , Reisen - Unabhängig
Production Country : Norwegen
Production : Lexerot Entertainment
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tulajdon-átruházási okirat | 2007-10-01 |
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nyelv | English |
castname | Anokh W. Moussa, Lizbeth Y. Hartman, Étoile X. Leconte |
My Name Is Bruce 2007 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Féher Mercy
Stunt coordinator : Masson Lanika
Script layout :Trish Jibrael
Pictures : Nigel Blanc
Co-Produzent : Nesia Erwan
Executive producer : Melodie Rasha
Director of supervisory art : Thomson Krishna
Produce : Isis Kylar
Manufacturer : Keyra Leonel
Actress : Jaeden Denisha
B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon.
Film kurz
Spent : $063,559,687
Income : $111,980,821
Categorie : Maritimes Drama - Bondage , Erziehung - Abtreibung , Wissen - Atheist , Kosmisch - Apology
Production Country : Kasachstan
Production : Tantamount
My Name Is Bruce 2007 Teljes Magyarul
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