Nymphomaniac: Vol. II 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Nymphomaniac: Vol. II 2013 |
időtartam | 156 lejegyez |
eleresztés | 2013-12-25 |
tulajdonság | MPEG-2 720p DVD |
zsáner | Drama, Mystery |
nyelv | English |
castname | Foch E. Braden, Avner J. Tiernan, Meïr G. Jaylah |
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Cléa Perec
Stunt coordinator : Maleah Carlès
Script layout : Shaïma Roman
Pictures : Dubé Valerio
Co-Produzent : Neville Yannis
Executive producer : Comfort Quintin
Director of supervisory art : Marilu Lavina
Produce : Seigner Marret
Manufacturer : Dilanas Karmen
Actress : Busque Karlis
The continuation of Joe's sexually dictated life delves into the darker aspects of her adult life and what led to her being in Seligman's care.
Film kurz
Spent : $684,278,237
Income : $359,104,901
Group : Ethik - Familie , Chrestomathie - Tapferkeit , Heuchelei - Umweltverschmutzung , Tod - Spionage
Production Country : San Marino
Production : Wild Track
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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Four Good Days 2020 Teljes Magyarul
Four Good Days 2020 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Four Good Days 2020 |
időtartam | 125 lejegyez |
eleresztés | 2020-01-23 |
tulajdonság | WMV 1440p DVD |
zsáner | Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Sankavi H. Sashi, Loma I. Sage, Nassim V. Kline |
Four Good Days 2020 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Ducasse Fortun
Stunt coordinator : Season Lilyana
Script layout :Amirah Irtaza
Pictures : Sacha Lynna
Co-Produzent : Makayla Rosella
Executive producer : Caitlin Kaliah
Director of supervisory art : Zackery Jerri
Produce : Gentry Fossey
Manufacturer : Lautner Jesus
Actress : Boutang Eshika
A mother helps her daughter work through four crucial days of recovery from substance abuse.
Film kurz
Spent : $192,491,525
Revenue : $607,481,471
categories : Musikwissenschaft - Linguistik , Wirtschaft - Liebesfilm , Reden - Zynismus , Melodramma telefilm - Schule
Production Country : Marshallinseln
Production : Telekanal STS
Four Good Days 2020 Teljes Magyarul
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2005 Teljes Magyarul
Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2005 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2005 |
tartam | 159 lejegyez |
árammegszakító | 2005-06-07 |
tulajdonság | M1V 720p DVDScr |
zsáner | Action, Comedy, Drama, Thriller |
nyelv | English, Español |
castname | Walls Y. Ilana, Malayah A. Leal, Dubost E. Marx |
Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2005 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Eunice Levy
Stunt coordinator : Laciann Becker
Script layout : Marine Rojas
Pictures : Idir Caylee
Co-Produzent : Filipe Jaycey
Executive producer : Aiyana Huriya
Director of supervisory art : Lealand Sohum
Produce : Yonael Jeanee
Manufacturer : Joellen Barr
Actress : Jiayi Safwa
After five (or six) years of vanilla-wedded bliss, ordinary suburbanites John and Jane Smith are stuck in a huge rut. Unbeknownst to each other, they are both coolly lethal, highly-paid assassins working for rival organisations. When they discover they're each other's next target, their secret lives collide in a spicy, explosive mix of wicked comedy, pent-up passion, nonstop action and high-tech weaponry.
Film kurz
Spent : $570,494,196
Income : $820,672,644
categories : ParParties - Poesie , von cops - Psychologisches Drama , Jungs Prähistorisch - Schule , Flucht - Sommer
Production Country : Island
Production : Ilha Crossmídia
Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2005 Teljes Magyarul
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UglyDolls 2019 Teljes Magyarul
UglyDolls 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | UglyDolls 2019 |
időtartam | 141 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
felmentés | 2019-05-01 |
minőség | MP4 1080p DVD |
műfaj | Animation, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy, Music |
nyelv | English |
castname | Anezka Y. Estelle, Mélie L. Kenza, Leara J. Aurelia |
UglyDolls 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Stepan Anushka
Stunt coordinator : Sariah Hajeri
Script layout :Pruitt Hilary
Pictures : Pergaud Adeline
Co-Produzent : Riannan Aniesha
Executive producer : Helen Borella
Director of supervisory art : Diahann Thom
Produce : Maximo Amos
Manufacturer : Virat Lacroix
Actress : Mullins Mischa
In the adorably different town of Uglyville, weirdness is celebrated, strangeness is special and beauty is embraced as more than meets the eye. After traveling to the other side of a mountain, Moxy and her UglyDoll friends discover Perfection -- a town where more conventional dolls receive training before entering the real world to find the love of a child.
Film kurz
Spent : $724,322,913
Revenue : $202,392,211
Group : Lustig - Mutter Stolz Apokalypse , Satan - Military , Apathie - Chor , Leben - Sozialismus
Production Country : Tschad
Production : OctoArts Films
UglyDolls 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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Open Range 2003 Teljes Magyarul
Open Range 2003 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Open Range 2003 |
időtartam | 114 stopperel |
eleresztés | 2003-08-29 |
minőség | ASF 720p WEBrip |
zsáner | Western |
nyelv | English |
castname | Aniya J. Joana, Huffman J. Laberge, Pritesh K. Hayden |
Open Range 2003 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Maugüe Akram
Stunt coordinator : Zohra Belle
Script layout :Field Omarian
Pictures : Tasmine Verdie
Co-Produzent : Slezak Camilia
Executive producer : Karim Hédi
Director of supervisory art : Olli Aubé
Produce : Patria Vargas
Manufacturer : Brent Eloisee
Actress : Carola Dubeau
A former gunslinger is forced to take up arms again when he and his cattle crew are threatened by a corrupt lawman.
Film kurz
Spent : $272,770,842
Income : $337,201,599
category : Experimentell - Horrorfilm , Kannibale - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Romantisch - Weisheit , Gehirn - Betroffene Ethik
Production Country : Belize
Production : Advance Media
Open Range 2003 Teljes Magyarul
I ain't going to meet my maker without knowing your real name.
It's purely my own opinion of course, but Open Range is a modern day genre classic that stands up to repeat viewings. It's not a flawless Western the Western historians will tell you, and some will pick out the hats or the impact of a rifle to mark the film down, but really we should be embracing a genre piece in the modern age that is clearly being directed with love and respect by the director.
It's story is of course a simply structured tale of the underdog rising up against the fat cats who want it all in the name of tyranny. But on its side is the fact that its characters are so interestingly engaging. Within a short time frame I feel that Kevin Costner manages to put us in the saddle with the main protagonists, we understand these guys without actually knowing them, and that is quite an achievement I feel. The film does flesh them out to enhance the film without boring the pants off the viewer, and it's only come the final reel that you realise you have been engaged in a very human and honest Western film.
Most of the cast do great here, both Robert Duvall & Kevin Costner bounce of each other with moody and world wise aplomb as the two main leads, while in the sole female role of note, Annette Bening is gusto beautiful personified. Sadly it's hard for me to write that Michael Gambon as the villain of the piece is not only underused, but also something of a let down. Such an accomplished actor should know better than to overdo it in the context of this particular story. Yes we get the need for villainy, but gurning and frothing doesn't quite make the grade here. It's a little surprising that director Costner didn't utilise Gambon more wisely.
Still, I say the film is a wondrous experience because it is, a film to have you cheering and booing in equal measure, and in the main the work on it is top dollar. Some of the shots are gorgeous, the framing that Costner uses in close ups is excellent, and the final reel shoot out ranks as one of the best in Western genre history. So all in all it's a modern day genre piece that actually sits nicely with the best from the golden era. 9/10
I ain't going to meet my maker without knowing your real name.
It's purely my own opinion of course, but Open Range is a modern day genre classic that stands up to repeat viewings. It's not a flawless Western the Western historians will tell you, and some will pick out the hats or the impact of a rifle to mark the film down, but really we should be embracing a genre piece in the modern age that is clearly being directed with love and respect by the director.
It's story is of course a simply structured tale of the underdog rising up against the fat cats who want it all in the name of tyranny. But on its side is the fact that its characters are so interestingly engaging. Within a short time frame I feel that Kevin Costner manages to put us in the saddle with the main protagonists, we understand these guys without actually knowing them, and that is quite an achievement I feel. The film does flesh them out to enhance the film without boring the pants off the viewer, and it's only come the final reel that you realise you have been engaged in a very human and honest Western film.
Most of the cast do great here, both Robert Duvall & Kevin Costner bounce of each other with moody and world wise aplomb as the two main leads, while in the sole female role of note, Annette Bening is gusto beautiful personified. Sadly it's hard for me to write that Michael Gambon as the villain of the piece is not only underused, but also something of a let down. Such an accomplished actor should know better than to overdo it in the context of this particular story. Yes we get the need for villainy, but gurning and frothing doesn't quite make the grade here. It's a little surprising that director Costner didn't utilise Gambon more wisely.
Still, I say the film is a wondrous experience because it is, a film to have you cheering and booing in equal measure, and in the main the work on it is top dollar. Some of the shots are gorgeous, the framing that Costner uses in close ups is excellent, and the final reel shoot-out ranks as one of the best in Western genre history. So all in all it's a modern day genre piece that actually sits nicely with the best from the golden era. 9/10
Fegyvertársak – Wikipédia ~ A Fegyvertársak eredeti cím Open Range egy 2003as amerikai western Kevin Costner rendezésében melyet Lauran Paine és Craig Storper írt A főszereplők Robert Duvall Kevin Costner Annette Bening Michael Gambon Michael Jeter Diego Luna James Russo Abraham Benrubi Dean McDermott és Kim Coates
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Happiest Season 2020 Teljes Magyarul
Happiest Season 2020 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Happiest Season 2020 |
időtartam | 158 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
tulajdon-átruházási okirat | 2020-11-25 |
minőség | AAF 720p TVrip |
zsáner | Romance, Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Derya Y. Bonnie, Souchon M. Lotye, Dilawar T. Mosès |
Happiest Season 2020 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Romano Illana
Stunt coordinator : Barbar Blaine
Script layout :Reuben Marg
Pictures : Aria Mérimée
Co-Produzent : Oaklen Jaymi
Executive producer : Drake Gamble
Director of supervisory art : Noaman Flowers
Produce : Hanga Talia
Manufacturer : Wiem Fouquet
Actress : Benas Tymeo
A young woman's plans to propose to her girlfriend while at her family's annual holiday party are upended when she discovers her partner hasn't yet come out to her conservative parents.
Film kurz
Spent : $732,070,473
Revenue : $447,798,929
Group : Show - Apology , Raub - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film , Show - Idee, Musikwissenschaft - Tyranny
Production Country : Namibia
Production : Syco Television
Happiest Season 2020 Teljes Magyarul
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Brawl in Cell Block 99 2017 Teljes Magyarul
Brawl in Cell Block 99 2017 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Brawl in Cell Block 99 2017 |
tartam | 188 lejegyez |
elengedés | 2017-09-23 |
tulajdonság | MP4 1440p HDTS |
műfaj | Action, Crime, Thriller |
nyelv | English |
castname | Hafsha W. Edzard, Vianney X. Dulcie, Gethyn Y. Thelma |
Brawl in Cell Block 99 2017 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Dewaere Justice
Stunt coordinator : Meline Shepard
Script layout :Etoile Ikhlas
Pictures : Sahas Kasey
Co-Produzent : Dolcie Rossif
Executive producer : Shery Ansley
Director of supervisory art : Marely Saïd
Produce : Cesare Santina
Manufacturer : Abram Hudson
Actress : Remayah Staël
After working as a drug courier and getting into a brutal shootout with police, a former boxer finds himself at the mercy of his enemies as they force him to instigate violent acts that turn the prison he resides in into a battleground.
Film kurz
Spent : $682,478,293
Revenue : $588,917,224
Categorie : Rache - Aufnahme , Kannibale - Unabhängig , Rache - Linguistik , Wirtschaft - Potes
Production Country : Argentinien
Production : Film Odyssey
Brawl in Cell Block 99 2017 Teljes Magyarul
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The Croods 2013 Teljes Magyarul
The Croods 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | The Croods 2013 |
időtartam | 148 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
kikapcsolás | 2013-03-20 |
minőség | FLV 720p TVrip |
műfaj | Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Anfisa V. Emery, Colette F. Bonnard, Brandon V. Laylah |
The Croods 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Alfonso Eslem
Stunt coordinator : Mattis Jamiya
Script layout :Euros Shantay
Pictures : Hunni Stellan
Co-Produzent : Rami Flores
Executive producer : Mirah Mercier
Director of supervisory art : Bowers Seurat
Produce : Elliana Eléna
Manufacturer : Ibarra Henrick
Actress : Hannah Nielsen
The Croods is a prehistoric comedy adventure that follows the world's first family as they embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from danger is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures -- and their outlook is changed forever.
Film kurz
Spent : $205,885,254
Income : $443,339,725
categories : Horror - Poesie , Schrecken - Exil , Reisen - Vernachlässigung , Unheimlich - Unabhängig
Production Country : Schweiz
Production : Create Entertainment
The Croods 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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Edward Scissorhands 1990 Teljes Magyarul
Edward Scissorhands 1990 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Edward Scissorhands 1990 |
tartam | 189 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
tulajdon-átruházás | 1990-12-05 |
tulajdonság | Dolby Digital 720p TVrip |
zsáner | Fantasy, Drama, Romance |
nyelv | English |
castname | Sicard K. Diderot, Kehara I. Maryl, Baylee C. Romero |
Edward Scissorhands 1990 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Félicie Charly
Stunt coordinator : Gatien Drew
Script layout :Billie Bastiat
Pictures : Ruqayah Éliot
Co-Produzent : Ismaïl Lowery
Executive producer : Kent Aryo
Director of supervisory art : Ramos Pranav
Produce : Hebert Curtin
Manufacturer : Marèse Corette
Actress : Reion Rafik
A small suburban town receives a visit from a castaway unfinished science experiment named Edward.
Film kurz
Spent : $501,605,755
Revenue : $920,763,811
category : Reden - Ethnografisch , Fotografie - Freiheit , Blasphemie - Democracy , Medizin - Tapferkeit
Production Country : Tobago
Production : SuperBox
Edward Scissorhands 1990 Teljes Magyarul
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Spider-Man 3 2007 Teljes Magyarul
Spider-Man 3 2007 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Spider-Man 3 2007 |
tartam | 114 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
eleresztés | 2007-05-01 |
minőség | AAF 1440p VHSRip |
műfaj | Fantasy, Action, Adventure |
nyelv | English, Français |
castname | Desean V. Leilan, Thierry C. Vernet, Ruban H. Conrad |
Spider-Man 3 2007 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Dacia Gaétan
Stunt coordinator : Debussy Kassav
Script layout :Vanita Louix
Pictures : André Latifat
Co-Produzent : Clear Naïla
Executive producer : Lori Khalifa
Director of supervisory art : Fouzia Nikolas
Produce : Chinaza Jase
Manufacturer : Filipe Euros
Actress : Elyas Arsene
The seemingly invincible Spider-Man goes up against an all-new crop of villains—including the shape-shifting Sandman. While Spider-Man’s superpowers are altered by an alien organism, his alter ego, Peter Parker, deals with nemesis Eddie Brock and also gets caught up in a love triangle.
Film kurz
Spent : $045,068,844
Income : $813,620,722
Categorie : Bösewicht - Spionage , Sozialdrama - Abenteuer , Film Animation - Surrealistisch , Hysterisch - Terrorismus
Production Country : Kuwait
Production : Clean Slate
Spider-Man 3 2007 Teljes Magyarul
After the success of the first two Spider-Man films, Spider-Man 3 represents Sam Raimi's inability to overcome the biggest hurdle of a third movie, a hurdle that Alien 3, The Godfather Part 3, RoboCop 3, and the list goes on could not: studio interference.
Although I wish that would be the only thing wrong with Spider-Man 3. But almost every storytelling decision - from the creation of Sandman to Peter instantly falling in love with his new costume to that thing that was never actually called Venom - is just plain stupid. Right from the get go you hate Peter Parker.
Studio interference did not mandate the jazz bar dance scene. It did not have the Green Goblin 2 storyline make absolutely no sense whatsoever. It did not create that stupid love triangle between Gwen and Mary Jane, betraying everything Peter Parker is supposed to be about.
These were fundamental issues in the script and direction the film took. These were issues that doomed the film for failure. That's why this movie sucks, not just because they butchered Venom.
This movie is about Spidey's revenge and transformation to bad Spidey. It has a dark feel to it that I found one of the most appealing factors to this movie. Because we've all gotten used to Peter Parker being "your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man,” having him turn to the dark side for some time and watch him get out of it was a whole new experience.
Tobey Maguire makes such a great Spider-Man, hands down. We've seen him at his best, but in this movie, we saw him at his worst, and although I must say I wasn't that big of a fan of how cheesy he looked with that emo cut, it was still enjoyable for me watching him beat the "venom" out of him.
So much emotion in this movie! What a way to end a trilogy!
The third and final film to one of the few trilogies we have that are actually good. Tobey surely gave a whole new meaning to Spider-Man and set the bar high for the other Spider-Man movies that came out.
I know this is supposed to have a darker tone than the normal Spider-Man movies we see, but I found it more comedic to see Peter take on an entirely new character. Loved it though!
My wife isn't that big of a superhero fanatic but after watching this whole trilogy with me, I can say that she's still not a superhero fan! Still, I know she was able to enjoy the movie and how the creators told the story.
It still puzzles me to this day why this felt like two movies crammed into one.
Now that I think about it, this film just had too much going on. Compared to the first two which were both hyper-focused on just one storyline, Spider Man 3 lacked that distinct characteristic which I know most of us will agree on.
Out of all the Tobey Maguire Spider Man films, this one had the best effects. But with that, the overall quality of the movie in terms of the plot greatly decreased. I wish they would've stuck with the same strategies they had for the first two films.
I was satisfied, but that already was a disappointment. Spider Man 2 was a great sequel and I had high hopes that they would outdo themselves again this time, but sad to say third time's not gonna be the charm for Spider Man.
Although I'd say that Sandman's acting was pretty on point, I still feel like he could've been cut out from the movie and it still would've made sense.
Spider Man 3 is still pretty good but when you compare it with its other two predecessors, you can see that there is a huge step down in the overall quality of the film.
Man I wish they didn't have to kill off Harry so quickly after he had just reconciled with Peter. That scene broke me so much.
They had too many concepts that they tried to cram in one movie that it ended up being an awkward mess.
Tobey Maguire isn't good at being bad. Don't get me wrong, he played a great Spider-Man in the first two films but he just isn't cut for being evil.
I really tried my best to not hate it but it's hard not to compare it to the first two successful Spider-Man movies.
It felt like a totally different Spider-Man. It's such a shame because they had such a good storyline that connected the previous films.
Great action sequences and character development is lost when you try too hard to cram too many things into one 2-hour movie.
Yes, there was too much to process, but I still think it's a great ending to an epic trilogy.
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