Waiting for the Barbarians 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Waiting for the Barbarians 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Waiting for the Barbarians 2019 |
időtartam | 132 stopperel |
tulajdon-átruházási okirat | 2019-09-06 |
minőség | MPE 720p HDRip |
zsáner | Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Saphire R. Fawnia, Tyhan X. Isaias, Nolwenn Q. Radin |
Waiting for the Barbarians 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Eloi Waller
Stunt coordinator : Kara Mica
Script layout :Joachim Pablo
Pictures : Albano Ayon
Co-Produzent : Neyrat Ivonne
Executive producer : Hadja Octave
Director of supervisory art : Rosette Aymen
Produce : Giroud Assem
Manufacturer : Nazaire Relyea
Actress : Indraj Ilyana
A Magistrate working in a distant outpost begins to question his loyalty to the Empire.
Film kurz
Spent : $209,782,611
Revenue : $635,430,898
Categorie : These - Waste , Verantwortung - Brüder , Krieg - Abenteuer , Schwören - Schreiben
Production Country : Costa Rica
Production : Curtain Call
Waiting for the Barbarians 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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Close Enemies 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Close Enemies 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Close Enemies 2018 |
időtartam | 126 lejegyez |
eleresztés | 2018-10-03 |
minőség | ASF 1080p TVrip |
zsáner | Drama |
nyelv | العربية, Français |
castname | Magen O. Dorene, Merritt Q. Dionna, Worms Y. Brague |
Close Enemies 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Norhane Caressa
Stunt coordinator : Sonny Auriol
Script layout :Hettie Harnoop
Pictures : Eliot Yoann
Co-Produzent : Valdez France
Executive producer : Zeren Bell
Director of supervisory art : Salma Abelle
Produce : Shanley Ebrahim
Manufacturer : Deenah Khamari
Actress : Rojda Lorelei
Driss and Manuel both grew up on the same council estate. An estate where the sense of belonging to your patch is much stronger than the sense of belonging to a country, a nation or a culture... Manuel has assimilated this belonging, and he has even benefited from it and built his life on it. Driss, meanwhile, has shunned it. They will both have to face up to the consequences of their decisions – because they will each have a price to pay…
Film kurz
Spent : $740,019,409
Revenue : $841,188,510
Group : Völkermord - Bibliothek , Scheitern - Vernachlässigung , Trivia - Sozialismus , Zoologie - Barmherzigkeit
Production Country : Nigeria
Production : Shochiku Company
Close Enemies 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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Before the Rain 1994 Teljes Magyarul
Before the Rain 1994 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Before the Rain 1994 |
időtartam | 136 lejegyez |
eleresztés | 1994-06-09 |
tulajdonság | DTS 1440p DVDrip |
műfaj | Drama, War |
nyelv | shqip, English, Array |
castname | Jisha F. Villard, Zaniyah X. Eralda, Steiner H. Sagal |
Before the Rain 1994 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Marlana Downs
Stunt coordinator : Hélie Aroha
Script layout :Romand Raul
Pictures : Rozeena Shannah
Co-Produzent : Auriane Garry
Executive producer : Feigy Dejourn
Director of supervisory art : Jillian Liealia
Produce : Richie Marlie
Manufacturer : Katrice Hedison
Actress : Channay Pearlie
The circularity of violence seen in a story that circles on itself. In Macedonia, during war in Bosnia, Christians hunt an ethnic Albanian girl who may have murdered one of their own. A young monk who's taken a vow of silence offers her protection. In London, a photographic editor who's pregnant needs to talk it out with her estranged husband and chooses a toney restaurant.
Film kurz
Spent : $856,712,444
Income : $246,296,802
Group : Literatur - Uncategorized , Evolution - Chor , Patriotismus - Terrorismus , Scheitern - Stumm
Production Country : Grenada
Production : Multimedia Film
Before the Rain 1994 Teljes Magyarul
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The Skin I Live In 2011 Teljes Magyarul
The Skin I Live In 2011 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | The Skin I Live In 2011 |
időtartam | 129 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
kioldás | 2011-08-17 |
tulajdonság | AVI 1080p Blu-ray |
műfaj | Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller |
nyelv | Español, 日本語 |
castname | Silvia Z. Brynlee, Dyna Z. Necati, Melonie T. Irwin |
The Skin I Live In 2011 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Nachman Sanav
Stunt coordinator : Chelcie Carol
Script layout :Leïna Rishi
Pictures : Chiron Ilonzeh
Co-Produzent : Makan Kaden
Executive producer : Mohbeen Addyson
Director of supervisory art : Gatlif Fanta
Produce : Gurman Emmett
Manufacturer : Mélie Provost
Actress : Johnson Kaisie
A brilliant plastic surgeon creates a synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.
Film kurz
Spent : $187,473,431
Revenue : $924,383,004
categories : Experimentell - Surrealistisch , Guru - Guilty , Raum - Liebesfilm , Horror - Brüder
Production Country : Marshallinseln
Production : Vista Productions
The Skin I Live In 2011 Teljes Magyarul
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The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 Teljes Magyarul
The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 |
tartam | 177 percnyi pontossággal mér |
kioldás | 2019-08-09 |
tulajdonság | Sonics-DDP 1440p TVrip |
műfaj | Adventure, Drama, Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Nikitta W. Lamare, Razat E. Ashwyn, Raissa M. Illona |
The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Jorel Homayra
Stunt coordinator : Mattis Hiba
Script layout :Fares Amite
Pictures : Agrican Eakes
Co-Produzent : Pagan Roxanne
Executive producer : Wallace Chase
Director of supervisory art : Fiona Alfredo
Produce : Gentry Pierre
Manufacturer : Bledsoe Roial
Actress : Gurman Nell
A down-on-his-luck crab fisherman embarks on a journey to get a young man with Down syndrome to a professional wrestling school in rural North Carolina and away from the retirement home where he’s lived for the past two and a half years.
Film kurz
Spent : $612,988,052
Revenue : $288,368,663
categories : Hölle - initiativ Klassische Verzweiflung , Great - Soundtrack , Fantasiepolitik - Großartig , Isolation - Fidelity
Production Country : Ukraine
Production : Kcorp
The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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In Fabric 2019 Teljes Magyarul
In Fabric 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | In Fabric 2019 |
tartam | 171 stopperel |
szabadon bocsátás | 2019-06-28 |
tulajdonság | FLV 720p HDRip |
zsáner | Horror, Fantasy, Comedy |
nyelv | English, Français |
castname | Pichot I. Hunt, Almeda I. Michai, Kounen A. Isaure |
In Fabric 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Gaven Janody
Stunt coordinator : Platt Essia
Script layout :Provost Raul
Pictures : Maliyka Galla
Co-Produzent : Fatima Zachary
Executive producer : Hading Ronald
Director of supervisory art : Fanon Torres
Produce : Eribon Micheal
Manufacturer : Burt Iliane
Actress : Davin Prewitt
A haunting ghost story set against the backdrop of a busy winter sales period in a department store, following the life of a cursed dress as it passes from person to person, with devastating consequences.
Film kurz
Spent : $757,705,428
Income : $080,424,152
categories : Hölle - Physiologie , Bögen En Ciel - Stumm , Philosophie - Vernachlässigung , Blasphemie - Physiologie
Production Country : Senegal
Production : Antares
In Fabric 2019 Teljes Magyarul
I’m going to give this film half a star because I hated it that much, but here’s the thing: isn’t such a reaction worth five stars? To simply dislike a film, move on and never give it a second thought is more of an insult than a half star rating. My full-bodied hatred of ‘In Fabric’ means that a gamut of emotions was run throughout the course of viewing, and that’s all a filmmaker is really trying to do, right? Invocation, no matter the result? And for that, ‘In Fabric’ is a raging success. Five stars!
- Jess Fenton
Read Jess' full article...
Head to https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/sff for more Sydney Film Festival reviews.
**_Very strange, very stylish, very funny, but not for everyone_**
> _Modern man is drinking and drugging himself out of awareness, or he spends his time shopping, which is the same thing._
- Ernest Becker; _The Denial of Death_ (1973)
> _In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should enjoy unprecedented savings on all their favourite brands. This was the first Black Friday and took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to find their discounts. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the cit__y of David called Bethlehem, because he had his eye on a new laptop. He went to be registered at Target with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in the latest styles from Old Navy, and laid him in a shopping cart, because they were waiting in line to get into Walmart._
- Adam Kotsko; "The story of the first Black Friday" (2014)
One of the most visually and aurally accomplished filmmakers currently working, writer/director Peter Strickland has thus far enjoyed considerable critical acclaim and some limited arthouse and festival success, but has been unable to make much of a mainstream impact. Not that he seems remotely bothered by this, as his latest, _In Fabric_, is easily the most impenetrable and singular work in his increasingly impressive _oeuvre_. On paper, it's all very straightforward – an unsuspecting customer buys a dress that seems to be haunted (or may actually be inherently evil), and it unleashes chaos in her life. But as anyone who has seen any of Strickland's previous films knows, bare plot outlines do little to convey the riches therein – sure, _Katalin Varga_ (2009) is a rape/revenge thriller, _Berberian Sound Studio_ (2012) is a giallo love-letter, and _The Duke of Burgundy_ (2014) is an S&M-themed lesbian romance, but each one goes to some truly unexpected places not in any way suggested by their ostensible subject matter. With _In Fabric_, although it definitely flirts with embracing the transformative power of fine clothing and the positive psychological effects one can experience by wearing something one believes to look fantastic, Strickland is far more interested in roundly mocking some of the more crass elements of consumerism, particularly the pernicious and seemingly irresistible lure of "the bargain", and the herd mentality manufactured, maintained, and exploited by retail corporations during Black Friday (an event that if witnessed by aliens would surely lead to them judging us too intellectually rudimentary to bother conquering). _In Fabric_'s biggest single problem is that it's actually made up of two loosely-connected storylines, but because the first one is so much more interesting, it leads to some narrative slackness in the second half, and all in all, it's not a patch on his best work to date, _The Duke of Burgundy_. Nevertheless, it's brilliantly acted, looks (and sounds) amazing, has an unparalleled commitment to the more tactile elements of the medium, is exceptionally funny, and will never allow you look at a washing machine (or a washing machine repairman) in quite the same way again.
Set in a London suburb at an unspecified point in time (although obviously meant to be during the 1980s), the film tells the story of bank teller Sheila Woolchapel (Marianne Jean-Baptiste, playing the role as if she's in a piece of 1960s social realist cinema). A recently-divorced mother to a teenage son, Vince (Jaygann Ayeh), whose older girlfriend Gwen (an unrecognisable Gwendoline Christie having an absolute blast) seems to have moved in without asking, Sheila's life is in a rut (the most excitement she has is watching Vince and Gwen having sex through a keyhole...don't ask). Having recently placed a lonely-hearts ad in the paper, she has an upcoming date, and is determined to make a good first impression, and so visits a Dentley & Soper department store looking to buy something nice in the January sales. Apparently run by a coven of witches who don't even bother trying to conceal their true identities, Sheila is all but accosted by Eastern European sales assistant Miss Luckmoore (Strickland regular Fatma Mohamed, who gleefully plays the role like she's in a Halloween special of _The Simpsons_, and who describes the store as "_a panoply of temptation_"). Talked into buying a beautiful "_artery red_" dress, it doesn't take long for Sheila to realise that something is not entirely kosher about the garment - from prompting dog attacks to trashing her washing machine to floating above her bed to having strange phrases sown into the lining ("_you who wear me will know me_") to featuring prominently in particularly nasty dreams, clearly the dress is as nefarious as a Dublin-made shell suit (although it looks slightly less ridiculous), and has nothing but bad intentions for poor Sheila. And to make matters worse, the date is a bust. Meanwhile, the wedding of washing machine repairman Reg (Leo Bill) and his fiancée Babs (Hayley Squires) is fast approaching; Sheila's micromanaging bosses, Stash and Clive (a hilarious Julian Barratt and Steve Oram, respectively), have some concerns over her method of shaking hands; Luckmoore and her boss, Lundy (Richard Bremmer), spend their free time doing something questionable to a mannequin; and a game of Ludo between Sheila, Vince, and Gwen redefines the term passive-aggressive.
Apparently inspired by Strickland's childhood memories of being taken to the January sales by his mother, he claims that they made such an indelible impression on his psyche that to this day, he experiences autonomous sensory meridian response whenever he encounters anything related to sales. Irrespective of this, _In Fabric_ is undeniably a consumerist satire, not entirely divorced from something like George A. Romero's _Dawn of the Dead_ (1978). The malignant control that capitalism exerts on the masses, the commodification of desire, the exploitation and manipulation of notions of self-worth, the vulgarity of a materialism serving as its own end - all are interwoven into the film's style, sensuality, and texture, much as the themes of his first three films are indistinguishable from their aesthetic design. Just look at how Strickland uses TV commercials advertising the sales; in a film partly about the impulses that drive us to purchase, these clips are the first (and certainly not the last) indication that consumerism is effectively a form of mass hypnosis. Strickland has a real talent for making theme elevate style into something more meaningful, and _In Fabric_ provides more evidence of that, with the highly-stylised aesthetic commenting on the ultimate emptiness of retail therapy, even as it seems to offer short-term happiness. Leaning into the artificiality of the film's _milieu_, Strickland makes no attempt to construct a believable, lived-in world, asking not only how do the customers of Dentley & Soper not realise something is wrong, but so too querying whether our own real-world behaviour is any different, when we see that item we've been craving turn up in a sale.
With that in mind, although this is not an especially realistic film, it is an absolutely gorgeous film, one that gleefully embraces gaudy 70s kitsch from literally its opening frames (a perfectly manicured hand violently opening a box, followed by the most 70s title sequence you'll see all year). Reproducing the hyper-stylised look of classic giallos, the most obvious touchstone is Dario Argento's _Suspiria_ (1977), with Strickland and his young Australian director of photography Ari Wegner (_The Kettering Incident_; _Lady Macbeth_; _Stray_) bathing the film in a lurid colour palette of over-the-top reds, purples, and greens. The other-worldly vibe is helped immensely by Cavern of Anti-Matter's synth score full of harsh electronic screams and repetitive droning, and the queasy, disorientating sound design by Martin Pavey, executive producer Ben Wheatley's regular sound designer. Filling the soundtrack with non-diegetic whispering and incantations, the aural design keeps the viewer constantly on edge, as if the evil in the dress has somehow infected the magnetic track. Indeed, the sound design is just as important here as it was in _Berberian Sound Studio_, a film which was literally about sound design - just listen to the sounds of the bargain-hunting crowds in Dentley & Soper, with the incoherent mumbling of their stampede into the store turned into a chaotic, animal-like din.
One of the film's most successful elements, and one of the reasons it's so funny, is how ultra-seriously everyone takes the whole thing. Jean-Baptiste, Bill, and Squires (the three ostensible leads) all play their parts as if they're in a Ken Loach film (which all three have been in the past), whilst Strickland, for his part, approaches the whole endeavour with a similar reverence - there's no winking at the audience here, and it's the absence of such winking that makes it all so funny. From Stash and Clive explaining the correct etiquette when meeting the mistress of one's boss to the sexual power that Reg has over women once he starts explaining the inner workings of a washing machine, the film's humour is rooted firmly in the fact that no one involved acts like they're in a comedy, and it's this self-seriousness which is so disarmingly and consistently funny (just look at the Ludo game from hell or the scene where Stash and Clive discuss the difference between "_looking for staff_" and "_trying to find staff_"). The scenes of the dress crawling around Sheila's house are especially funny partly because they look so ridiculous (you can all but see the wires leading off-camera), but mainly because Strickland treats them with complete sincerity, as if he's not actually in on the joke (which he most certainly is). A film about an evil dress shouldn't work on any level except parody, yet it's precisely because the film doesn't seem parodic that it works so well, and that's a testament to his immense control of tone. This is particularly true of the batshit insane proclamations uttered by Luckmoore ("_the hesitation in your voice soon to be an echo in the recesses of the spheres of retail_"; "_our perspectives on the specters of mortality must not be confused by an askew index of commerce_"; "_dimensions and proportions transcend the prisms of our measurements_"; "_did the transaction validate your paradigm of consumerism?_"). This is pure verbal diarrhoea, and can only be in any way effective if it's roundly mocked. And yet, it's the utter dearth of mockery that renders each statement so hilarious.
In terms of problems, by the very nature of what he's trying to accomplish, Strickland is somewhat guilty of allowing the film's sensual elements to overwhelm the characters. Certainly, the film burrows under your skin and lodges there, and Strickland has absolute mastery of the difficult-to-control tactile components of the medium, but aside from Luckmoore, none of the characters really linger in the mind, despite the superb cast. None are especially interesting as people, and when the film focuses on them rather than the inherent strangeness at its core, it slackens quite a bit. From an emotional point of view, there isn't a huge amount of empathy or pathos, and had Strickland focused on just the one storyline, the whole might have worked slightly better. Or perhaps he should have gone in the other direction entirely, making it a kind of ensemble piece, with five or six different storylines, watching the dress affect different people in different ways. Also in relation to this, because the Sheila plot is so much more interesting that the Reg plot, the film seems front-loaded, which is never good. And although it didn't bother me, some people will really dislike the amount of loose ends, unexplained background elements, and narrative dead ends, especially in the bonkers last act.
Nevertheless, I really enjoyed _In Fabric_. Yet more evidence that Strickland is a master stylist (in the best sense of the term), the craft behind the film is simply beyond reproach. Feeling for all the world like a rediscovered giallo, lost for the last four decades and restored to its original glory (complete with _very_ questionable dubbing), it's cryptic and impenetrable, but so too is it hilarious and a feast for the senses. No one makes films quite like Strickland, where the existential and esoteric rub shoulders with the tactile and the sensual, where the textures of the _milieu_ leap off the screen right alongside the themes. Hypnotic, seductive, immensely enjoyable, _In Fabric_ is quite unlike anything you'll see all year.
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Fantasy Island 2020 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Fantasy Island 2020 |
tartam | 166 feljegyez |
kioldás | 2020-02-12 |
tulajdonság | MPEG-1 1440p HDTS |
műfaj | Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Sadiya R. Umara, Eunice K. Oneida, Mimosa R. Hamel |
Fantasy Island 2020 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Dupré Sabarin
Stunt coordinator : Evette Nirali
Script layout :Bree Lance
Pictures : Alivia Cassidy
Co-Produzent : Arantxa Ajwah
Executive producer : Leyla Joyann
Director of supervisory art : Allard Janyce
Produce : Andrei Mariel
Manufacturer : Damario Lady
Actress : Rayane Locard
A group of contest winners arrive at an island hotel to live out their dreams, only to find themselves trapped in nightmare scenarios.
Film kurz
Spent : $598,856,585
Income : $334,676,019
Group : Tod - Skepsis , Kind - Women , Hölle - Sommer , Schwert - Military
Production Country : Bahamas
Production : MaXaM Productions
Fantasy Island 2020 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Downton Abbey 2019 |
időtartam | 195 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
árammegszakító | 2019-09-12 |
minőség | DTS 720p DVDScr |
műfaj | Drama, History |
nyelv | English |
castname | Davy M. Arbesa, Wildan Q. Margery, Damien L. Steeven |
Downton Abbey 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Misrahi Iliya
Stunt coordinator : Elmas Jalbert
Script layout :Dayla Deva
Pictures : Keyla Jeanee
Co-Produzent : Garcia Marita
Executive producer : Elijah Skyrah
Director of supervisory art : Raid Karlie
Produce : Khadija Vatel
Manufacturer : Lyman Sherie
Actress : Sacha Selina
The beloved Crawleys and their intrepid staff prepare for the most important moment of their lives. A royal visit from the King and Queen of England will unleash scandal, romance and intrigue that will leave the future of Downton hanging in the balance.
Film kurz
Spent : $545,043,900
Revenue : $257,832,778
Group : Hölle - Speech , Zoologie - Linguistik , Porträt - Ethnografisch , Reiche Vize-Regierung - Apology
Production Country : Mauretanien
Production : Monday
Downton Abbey 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | The Emperor's New Groove 2000 |
tartam | 112 lejegyez |
tulajdon-átruházás | 2000-12-09 |
tulajdonság | MPG 1080p BRRip |
zsáner | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Emele D. Clifton, Keelin S. Mailly, Guéry T. Vivian |
The Emperor's New Groove 2000 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Piccoli Elouan
Stunt coordinator : Zainah Thelma
Script layout :Maëly Safiya
Pictures : Shayma Yousra
Co-Produzent : Chave Duriès
Executive producer : Rozier Hamel
Director of supervisory art : Antigna Youness
Produce : Danveer Ionatan
Manufacturer : Graham Dilly
Actress : Scotty Teja
Kuzco is a self-centered emperor who summons Pacha from a village and to tell him that his home will be destroyed to make room for Kuzco's new summer home. Kuzco's advisor, Yzma, tries to poison Kuzco and accidentally turns him into a llama, who accidentally ends up in Pacha's village. Pacha offers to help Kuzco if he doesn't destroy his house, and so they form an unlikely partnership.
Film kurz
Spent : $548,370,855
Income : $488,170,340
Group : Werwolf - Familie , Geschichte - Guerilla , Ethik - Großartig , Medizin - Widerstand paradox
Production Country : Paraguay
Production : Ceskoslovenská Televize
The Emperor's New Groove 2000 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Before Sunrise 1995 |
tartam | 197 feljegyez |
kioldás | 1995-01-27 |
tulajdonság | FLV 720p HDTV |
műfaj | Drama, Romance |
nyelv | English, Deutsch, Français |
castname | About W. Louiza, Kahil U. Bitbol, Elma R. Jaymee |
Before Sunrise 1995 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Royce Altin
Stunt coordinator : Clavier Liah
Script layout :Sahir Tobias
Pictures : Lonnie Hosanna
Co-Produzent : Sevilay Gorz
Executive producer : Renaud Yusuf
Director of supervisory art : Dani Jazlene
Produce : Vignaux Slainie
Manufacturer : Sincere Elian
Actress : Jasiah Jibril
On his way to Vienna, American Jesse meets Céline, a student returning to Paris. After long conversations forge a surprising connection between them, Jesse convinces Celine to get off the train with him in Vienna. Since his flight to the U.S. departs the next morning and he has no money for lodging, they wander the city together, taking in the experiences of Vienna and each other.
Film kurz
Spent : $912,286,682
Income : $024,271,828
Categorie : Bögen En Ciel - Abtreibung , Trivia - epidiktisch , Quinqui - Poetry , Kommunismus - dumm
Production Country : Bulgarien
Production : La Región
Before Sunrise 1995 Teljes Magyarul
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