Ghost 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Ghost 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Ghost 2019 |
időtartam | 151 lejegyez |
kikapcsolás | 2019-10-18 |
minőség | MPG 1080p WEB-DL |
műfaj | Horror, Thriller |
nyelv | हिन्दी |
castname | Nicole G. Nedas, Blanch B. Lexa, Elna Q. Lanika |
Ghost 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Cléa Jasim
Stunt coordinator : Umaiyah Terence
Script layout :Amaya Roudès
Pictures : Love Atlanta
Co-Produzent : Howell Éthan
Executive producer : Yanni Emese
Director of supervisory art : Hedison Bonita
Produce : Booker Idal
Manufacturer : Hania Ilyass
Actress : Iris MacLeod
The story of the film follows Karan Khanna, a politician of Indian origin in the United Kingdom, who is accused of killing his wife. He tells his lawyer that a spirit committed the murder and should be tried.
Film kurz
Spent : $285,568,727
Revenue : $103,411,088
Group : Stück Leben - Neid , Wandern - Chor , Hölle - Chor , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - Weisheit
Production Country : Peru
Production : Wrather Productions
Ghost 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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Boy Erased 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Boy Erased 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Boy Erased 2018 |
időtartam | 165 stopperel |
árammegszakító | 2018-09-24 |
tulajdonság | AVCHD 1440p WEBrip |
zsáner | Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Yurem A. Amie, Vallin K. Tesnim, Chaï T. Nazneen |
Boy Erased 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Meral Henri
Stunt coordinator : Brychan Jimmy
Script layout :Braedon Glendon
Pictures : Ariele Marla
Co-Produzent : Corrine Aissa
Executive producer : Senapus Bonnee
Director of supervisory art : Kelsey Meghan
Produce : Rozeena Hampton
Manufacturer : Siarah Noaman
Actress : Ahnaf Fauna
Jared, the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, is outed to his parents at age 19. Jared is faced with an ultimatum: attend a gay conversion therapy program – or be permanently exiled and shunned by his family, friends, and faith.
Film kurz
Spent : $560,817,780
Revenue : $463,010,038
category : Mathematik - Tapferkeit , Fantasie - Military , Tod - Verletzung , Opernfilm - Uncategorized
Production Country : Afghanistan
Production : Archive Films
Boy Erased 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Yet another anticipated film from an actor-turned-director is Boy Erased, the work of Golden Globe nominee Joel Edgerton, who wrote and stars in the film.
The flick follows the recently outed son of a Baptist preacher, Jared (Lucas Hedges), after he’s forced to partake in the church’s gay conversion program. Based on the critically acclaimed memoir by Garrard Conley, Boy Erased features an all-star cast which, in addition to Hedges and Edgerton, boasts Oscar winners Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe
**_Clearly comes from a place of respect, but it's emotionally unengaging and rather dull_**
> _Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage. Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual's_ [sic] _as a "discreet_ [sic] _and insular minority" entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities. Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer_ _being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior._
– Mike Pence (current Vice President of the United States); Campaign statement when running for Congress, 2001
_Boy Erased_ is one of those films it seems almost churlish to criticise for its formal aspects, given that it obviously comes from a place of deep respect, has genuinely laudable intentions (albeit with one eye on award season), and says something undeniably important and just. Written and directed by Joel Edgerton (who also stars and produces), the film is based on Garrard Conley's _Boy Erased: A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family_ (2016), the true story of his experiences with conversation therapy in Arkansas in 2004. In a political climate where progressive thinking seems to be backsliding more and more, given the regressive beliefs of many of those in power, one should celebrate a film which highlights the barbaric concept of enforcing heteronormative social mores by way of psychological, and often physical, abuse. However, simply because a film has good intentions, it doesn't necessarily follow that it's a good film, and _Boy Erased_ is such an example; a film whose aims can be praised, but whose flaws cannot be ignored. Whereas Desiree Akhavan's recent _The Miseducation of Cameron Post_ approached similar subject matter from a perspective of irreverence and satire, _Boy Erased_ is far more sincere. And because of its self-seriousness and its insistence on keeping the audience emotionally distanced from the characters, it remains underwhelming, never getting anywhere near the kind of emotional highs and lows one might anticipate from such inherently sensitive material. It's a topical and morally laudable film, unquestionably. One wishes it were simply better than it is.
Set in 2004, the film begins as 19-year-old Jared Eamons (Lucas Hedges) attends his first day at Love in Action, a conversion therapy program in Arkansas. The son of Southern Baptist preacher and car salesman Marshall (Russell Crowe) and his wife Nancy (Nicole Kidman), Jared is initially looking forward to the program, keen to be purged of his homosexual impulses. Run by Victor Sykes (Edgerton), the program is based on the concept that homosexuality is a choice influenced by poor parenting and moral abnormalities in a person's extended family, and thus Sykes has students draw a family tree indicating such things as drug or alcohol addiction, use of pornography, criminal convictions etc. Students must also sign a waiver declaring that they won't speak with anyone about what occurs during therapy. Other students include Jon (Xavier Dolan), who is so fanatically devoted to conversion, he refuses to even touch other men, although he turns up every day with fresh bruises; Gary (Troye Sivan), who has made peace with his homosexuality, and plans to pretend to be straight until he can leave; and Cameron (Britton Sear), a timid aspiring footballer. Meanwhile, Nancy rents a nearby motel room where she and Jared will stay for the duration of the program. However, Jared soon learns from Jon and Gary that there is no specific end-point for the therapy, and if he fails to convince Sykes that he is straight, he may be required to move onto the campus full-time. The backstory of how he came to be signed up to the program then unfolds achronologically, intercutting his increasingly unsettling time at Love in Action with such incidents as his awkward first sexual encounter with his ex-girlfriend, Chloe (Madelyn Cline); his first homosexual experience at college, with his running-partner, Henry (Joe Alwyn); a non-sexual relationship with a fellow college student, Xavier (Théodore Pellerin); how his parents found out about his homosexuality; and Marshall's decision, taken in consultation with two church elders, to send Jared to therapy.
I'm a heterosexual male from a country where conversion therapy isn't really a thing; there is only one conversion therapy program in Ireland, and, as of January 2019, a bill to outlaw such therapy is passing through the Oireachtas. Given my very limited exposure to the subject, I was more than a little surprised to learn that in the US, only 15 states (plus Washington, DC) have legislated against the practice, and in the remaining 35, it's perfectly legal. To be honest, I can't even get my head around the fact that some people won't accept homosexuality amongst their family or friends, so the concept of parents knowingly exposing their children to psychological abuse so as to "pray away the gay", and doing so within the scope of the law, is completely beyond the realm of comprehension. That such things still happen in a modern so-called civilised western society is both deeply disturbing and incredibly upsetting, and it is this world into which _Boy Erased_ offers a window.
Once Jared is installed at Love in Action, it isn't long before Sykes begins to preach "_you cannot be born homosexual. It's a choice_" and "_God will not love you the way that you are_". At the same time, the students are tutored in "_masculine_" physicality (don't cross your legs when seated, don't slouch, always shake hands firmly), discouraged from anything that deviates from heteronormative behaviour (Jared has pages from a notebook of short stories torn out and discarded), and advised on what not to read (when Sykes learns Jared's college course includes such titles as Oscar Wilde's _The Picture of Dorian Gray_ (1890) and Vladimir Nabokov's _Lolita_ (1955), he suggests that Jared shouldn't return to his studies, committing instead to Love in Action full-time).
However, the film is not confined to the program, also offering an examination of some of the attitudes of fundamentalist religiosity toward sexuality. Significantly, when Marshall learns that Jared is planning on spending the night with Chloe, he is quite proud of his son, although both Marshall and Nancy already assume that Jared and Chloe will be getting married in the not-too-distant future. Although the film admirably resists the urge to vilify Marshall or Nancy, even Love in Action itself, Edgerton is unequivocal in condemning a system that compartmentalises anything with which it disagrees as "_taboo_", thereby retarding any kind of discussion. Love in Action is predicated on making young people feel guilty regarding the "sin" of their sexual practices and/or impulses, whilst at the same time reinforcing the infallibility of church doctrine. This instils a deep-rooted sense of torment for young men and women who are already confused about what they are feeling - if a person's predilections are directly in contradistinction to church dogma, then such predilections must obviously be immoral and against God; the irreconcilability of innate homosexual desire with the fact that such homosexuality is a sin.
The film opens with voiceover narration over home video footage of Jared as a baby, immediately setting him up as the focal character, and inculcating us into his world. Indeed, Jared appears in every scene, although, strangely, voiceover is never employed again, rendering this initial use stylistically isolated. Visually, the film is drab and unimaginative, but deliberately so. This blandness may initially seem disappointing, given that Edgerton's 2015 directorial debut, _The Gift_, was visually impressive. However, in _Boy Erased_ the design is intended to mirror the interior of Love in Action - a place of functionality over aesthetic nuance, a place where neutralising colours are used to enforce reserve and restraint at the expense of vitality. If anything, Edgerton is too successful with this mirroring, as the insipidness of the Love in Action scenes often bleeds into the scenes outside the program. Had Edgerton, cinematographer Eduard Grau (_A Single Man_; _Buried_; _Suite Française_), and production designer Chad Keith (_Take Shelter_; _Midnight Special_; _Leave No Trace_) showed a little more _panache_ when depicting the outside world, such scenes would have been far more thematically impactful, as their visual differentiation would have served the central tenets of the film.
In terms of the acting, as Jared, Lucas Hedges has a difficult task, playing a character that becomes increasingly withdrawn and emotionally shut down as the film progresses. From the very beginning, Jared is somewhat distant, making it difficult to determine if his muted emotions are part of Hedges's performance or a weakness in that performance. For example, is his inherent lack of fear a component of the character, or is Hedges simply not tapping into the necessary emotions? That this might be the case can be seen if one compares his performance to that of Xavier Dolan as Jon, who exudes desperation and existential panic every second he's on screen. Of course, Jared is very much a passive character, with only one notable example of him asserting his own agency and breaking through the emotional paralysis which has stifled the character (and the actor). When this scene does come, it's quite powerful, with Hedges playing it in such a way as to suggest the release of long-gestating pressure. On the other hand, in a scene where he screams and throws rocks at a glass-encased picture of a male model, the performance comes across as a performance and doesn't ring emotionally true. As a whole, I felt that Hedges played Jared pretty much identically to how he played Patrick in Kenneth Lonergan's _Manchester by the Sea_ (2016).
Kidman plays Nancy as a woman who very much subscribes to the notion that the man is the head of the household, accepting Marshall's decision to send Jared to therapy without openly questioning him. However, it's obvious from the start that she's not entirely comfortable. Later, as she starts to learn some of what is going on behind the closed doors of Love in Action, her attitude becomes more and more adversarial. She has a particularly good scene where she finally persuades Jared to allow her to read Love in Action's manifesto, and is equal parts shocked by the content and amused by the spelling mistakes (she finds one particular reference to "_Almighty Dog_" especially funny and especially worrying). Kidman plays the scene with a mixture of horror, amusement, and a desire to step in and protect her child, and she modulates these conflicting emotions perfectly.
As for Marshall, instead of him being the token villain of the piece, Crowe plays him as fundamentally conflicted. He loves his son deeply and is devastated by what has happened, so he never goes the clichéd route of condemning him from the pulpit and casting him into eternal hellfire. Marshall genuinely wants to help Jared, and even more so, he wants to understand, but is prevented from doing so by a lifetime of faith and his absolute conviction of his own moral certitude. Despite the character's flaws, Crowe's quiet and restrained performance elicits a degree of sympathy for a man who is clearly out of his depth, unable to overcome the indoctrination which is now making a relationship with his son an impossibility. As Sykes, Edgerton gives an almost robotic performance, playing the character as a regimental fundamentalist. A man without any peripheral vision in terms of morality and devotion to God, he is the kind of person who not only refuses to accept opinions that are in contradistinction to his own, but who is unable to even get his head around the fact that such opinions exist at all.
However, despite the strong performances from both Kidman and Crowe, the film fails to depict the texture and nuances of the family dynamic. All three family members are, to a certain extent, types rather than fully fleshed out individuals. Along the same lines, none of the Love in Action students are granted any kind of arc or personality beyond that of the archetype they represent. Jon, Gary, and Cameron are all sketches of characters we've seen time and again in this kind of pseudo-prison narrative, and the film often falls back on generic tropes - hypocritical authority figures; a sadistic authority figure who is abusive beyond the parameters of the program (played by Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers); the "inmate" on the verge of complete psychological breakdown (think Pyle (Vincent D'Onofrio) from Stanley Kubrick's _Full Metal Jacket_); the focal character resisting the mandates of the institution (think McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) in Miloš Forman's _One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest_ or Dufresne (Tim Robbins) in Frank Darabont's _The Shawshank Redemption_). Regarding Sykes, a postscript describing his own sexual preference casts his character in a completely different light, and would have made for fascinating material had it been incorporated into the narrative. Granted, this is Jared's story, not Sykes's, but that doesn't change the fact that more information on his background (especially given what the postscript reveals) would have been very welcome.
It's also somewhat problematic that the only homosexual sexual activity depicted in the film is a rape. It's a powerful scene in and of itself, brilliantly shot in a single static take which forces the viewer to watch what is happening unmediated by editing or blocking. However, it's unsettling that Edgerton never shows us any consensual and pleasurable homosexual content. True, the film is not about sexual activity, so to only show one scene of such activity is fair enough in theory. But it remains problematic that the only time we see a homosexual character acting on their impulses is a rape scene. What is one supposed to take from that? Presumably, the scene is supposed to balance against the scene where Jared spends the night with Xavier without becoming physical. However, this scene is given far less time than the rape, and the character who rapes Jared is given far more characterisation than Xavier, creating a noticeable imbalance.
Another problem is that, as a whole, it's an extremely cold film, remaining always distanced, either unwilling or unable to really get into the fear and psychological trauma inflicted upon the attendees of programs such as Love in Action. Perhaps Edgerton was trying to avoid exploitative or manipulative emotion, but whatever the case, he has made a film that is itself emotionless, undercutting the harrowing story it tells by always keeping the audience one or two steps removed. Jared, in particular, is never depicted with anything resembling emotional specificity. We never feel his torment or loneliness, with his character depicted only to the extent necessary to drive the plot, and far too distanced for him to emotionally impact the audience.
_Boy Erased_ is a laudable film dealing with an important subject, but it's also quite a poor film, with a disjointed narrative and paper-thin characters, redeemed only by fine performances from Kidman and Crowe. The biggest problem is that it insists on pushing the audience away, presenting the story clinically rather than emotionally, a dispassionate reportage rather than an angry denunciation. Edgerton's even-handedness is to be commended, as is his refusal to cast the parents, or even Love in Action itself, as the villains, and his avoidance of emotional manipulation is praiseworthy up to a point. However, there comes a moment in the film where you realise that you're as close to these characters as you're going to get, yet they have still only been summarised. The film will probably go on to be an important document in the ongoing attempt to eradicate this cruel practice. It will probably open the eyes of a lot of people who didn't know much about this subject. It is well-intentioned, and comes from a place of compassion and respect. It's just not an especially good film.
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Thunder Road 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Thunder Road 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Thunder Road 2018 |
tartam | 136 percnyi pontossággal mér |
elengedés | 2018-09-12 |
tulajdonság | MPEG-2 720p Blu-ray |
zsáner | Drama, Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Mendler M. Adelina, Winston Y. Onfroi, Zachery P. Beryl |
Thunder Road 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Nowshin Nazifa
Stunt coordinator : Schmidt Sofian
Script layout :Russel Seona
Pictures : Mariaud Mirko
Co-Produzent : Neela Rayssa
Executive producer : Renaud Carlès
Director of supervisory art : Rhett Ramzy
Produce : Seon Yousra
Manufacturer : Tyga Mannix
Actress : Cody Carlès
A police officer faces a personal meltdown following a divorce and the death of his mother.
Film kurz
Spent : $085,657,846
Revenue : $730,463,674
Group : Flucht - Propaganda , Porträt - Battlefield , Kosmisch - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film , Heuchelei - Biographie
Production Country : Brasilien
Production : Lemming Film
Thunder Road 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Marry Me |
időtartam | 136 stopperel |
kikapcsolás | |
tulajdonság | AVI 1080p HDTS |
zsáner | Comedy, Romance, Music |
nyelv | English |
castname | Castro P. Thea, Faryal L. Leonie, Mylène Q. Swayam |
Marry Me Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Tahrim Jaymi
Stunt coordinator : Karim Leonni
Script layout :Alend Troyon
Pictures : Ellyana Ramario
Co-Produzent : Kashmir Ruchi
Executive producer : Aymane Sidy
Director of supervisory art : Denim Dickens
Produce : Mckay Muawwiz
Manufacturer : Marèse Gates
Actress : Kaïs Mariska
The pic explores the possibilities of what might happen when a superstar marries an average Joe as a joke and discovers that perhaps there are no accidents.
Film kurz
Spent : $631,483,704
Income : $539,200,574
categories : Samurai - Monster , Mädchen - dumm , Dialog - Widerstand paradox , Raum - Neid
Production Country : Peru
Production : Mediaworks
Marry Me Teljes Magyarul
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On the Basis of Sex 2018 Teljes Magyarul
On the Basis of Sex 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | On the Basis of Sex 2018 |
időtartam | 122 stopperel |
kioldás | 2018-12-25 |
minőség | MPG 1440p WEBrip |
zsáner | Drama, History |
nyelv | English |
castname | Owen Y. Pescow, Delvin K. Calumn, Chabot T. Lamarre |
On the Basis of Sex 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Lizbeth Davila
Stunt coordinator : Rogelio Chartré
Script layout :Miqdad Madyson
Pictures : Zaiyan Judge
Co-Produzent : Miren Mansur
Executive producer : Essah Adalie
Director of supervisory art : Rakeb Eliezer
Produce : Daner Daval
Manufacturer : Dieutre Aldrick
Actress : Zulakha Emese
Young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg teams with her husband Marty to bring a groundbreaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of sex discrimination.
Film kurz
Spent : $055,088,316
Revenue : $142,887,028
Categorie : Guru - Einfach , Tod - Sozialismus , Apathie - Documenteur Schwarz , Marketing - Frühling
Production Country : Elfenbeinküste
Production : Woodlore Ltd.
On the Basis of Sex 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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Zombieland: Double Tap 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Zombieland: Double Tap 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Zombieland: Double Tap 2019 |
időtartam | 116 lejegyez |
kioldás | 2019-10-09 |
tulajdonság | FLV 1080p HDTS |
műfaj | Horror, Action, Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Jacey N. Marwane, Abbé M. Margand, Blalock C. Erine |
Zombieland: Double Tap 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Demir Osama
Stunt coordinator : Dargent Voynet
Script layout :Rouault Qaiser
Pictures : Ingram Ladji
Co-Produzent : Dhillon Wadan
Executive producer : Brydon Amélia
Director of supervisory art : Josèphe Sayyid
Produce : Kaylee Ilani
Manufacturer : Alysha Kaioh
Actress : Tasmin Harjeet
Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita, and Little Rock move to the American heartland as they face off against evolved zombies, fellow survivors, and the growing pains of the snarky makeshift family.
Film kurz
Spent : $220,127,513
Income : $198,465,594
categories : Logik - Du Son , Egal - Military , Guru - Biographie , Stück Leben - Vertrauen
Production Country : Andorra
Production : Impossible Television
Zombieland: Double Tap 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Even with its flaws, ‘Zombieland: Double Tap’ doesn’t overstay its welcome with its 99-minute run time, and remains a solid piece of popcorn entertainment. Although it doesn’t push any boundaries, it’s harmless fun (the Homer zombie of horror films, if you will... that’ll make more sense after you’ve seen it). So stumble into a cinema and join these friends on a reunion - sure, one filled with endless blood, guts and brains, but that’s half the fun of a zombie comedy, right?
- Charlie David Page
Read Charlie's full article...
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As you probably know by now, since I posted the original film's review a few hours ago, I loved the first Zombieland. I defend that it's a zombie cult classic, and I was genuinely pumped for its sequel. It didn't go through any external controversy (something quite rare nowadays), the cast didn't say anything wrong in the interviews (haters didn't have enough words to twist this time around), Ruben Fleischer returns as the director, as well as Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (plus a new member, Dave Callaham) as the screenwriters. If a studio wants to do a 10-year sequel, it might as well get the creators and original cast back together, right?!
That's what I love the most about Double Tap. It didn't lose the original's essence, and it didn't forget what made it so successful. The cast's chemistry can be felt thousands of miles away, but the new additions also fit in seamlessly. Zoey Deutch portrays Madison, a purposefully stereotypical "dumb blonde girl" who has some of the funniest scenes as well as some of the most cringe-worthy (Deutch gives an excellent performance, though). And Rosario Dawson plays Nevada, basically a women version of Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), which means she has a bunch of badass action sequences. As for the old gang, well…
Everyone delivers great performances, but this time, Harrelson really elevated his character. Not only does he have the expected awesome kickass moments, but he also offers some emotionally compelling displays. Emma Stone (Wichita) and Abigail Breslin (Little Rock) keep being amazing as their characters, and Jesse Eisenberg (Columbus) does get a bit too … Jesse Eisenberg, but it never stops feeling natural, having in mind how his character acts. These four are the heart of the whole show. Hence, getting the original cast back together is halfway through success, even more than in the first movie. Story-wise is where I do have some complaints, unfortunately.
Maybe it's due to the fact that I watched 2009's Zombieland just a couple of hours before Double Tap's screening, but I wish that Fleischer and his team were more creative. Sure, the original was 10 years ago, and not everyone is going to rewatch the original (especially not right before), so it's expected that a lot of classic moments are recreated in some shape or form. However, for an extended period, I felt that I was watching the exact same film, just with older characters. I know I'm going to hear some of Columbus' original famous rules, but there's a surprising lack of new ones. I know Tal is going to repeat some of his catchphrases, but he's an imaginative guy, he can think of fresh ones (which he does say in the last minutes, but still).
To move the plot forward or actually make the story happen, a lot of questionable things occur, and not in the sense of them not being rational (it's not like Zombieland is a groundbreaking piece of storytelling). It's the apparent lack of character development through all of the years that have passed, and I'm not addressing their personalities being the same (it's pretty normal). To create this movie, characters make decisions that don't feel right, having in mind they spent so much time together. It's impossible for love, trust, and emotional attachment not to be developed throughout such a long time. So, while Little Rock's arc is understandable and relatable, Wichita and Columbus' lacks convincing arguments, in my opinion. Both make decisions too dumb for such intelligent characters, but I guess "that's love".
Once again, the technical features that defined the original so clearly are seamlessly employed in its sequel. Beautiful production design, cool soundtrack, fantastic application of practical effects and real sets, which nowadays are getting rarer. The slightly longer runtime still manages to carry a fast pace, which is always a good attribute, and it's packed with thrilling, hilarious, bloody action sequences. Amusing pop culture references, and the most significant moment of all: Double Tap has one of the best, if not THE best, mid-credits scene of the year! Don't you dare leave the theater, it's right at the beginning of the credits, so stay in your seat!
All in all, Zombieland: Double Tap pays a decent homage to the original zombie cult classic by getting everyone (cast and crew) back together, and delivering yet another entertaining flick. By maintaining the essence of the first film, Ruben Fleischer is able to capture the outstanding cast's chemistry, as well as present those amazingly entertaining action sequences. Even though the central narrative isn't as straightforward and interesting as in the original, it's still captivating enough for the audience to care about. There is an excessive amount of callbacks to classic catchphrases, rules, or moments, which shows a bit of a lack of imagination to create new material. While it's not as funny or entertaining as the 2009's movie, it's still a good time. If you're a fan of Zombieland, definitely watch it! If not, well… Nut up and watch it or shut up and let others enjoy it.
Rating: B
_**Just as funny and irreverent as the original, even if it hits all the same beats**_
> _I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead._
- Jimmy Buffett; "Growing Older But Not Up" (1981)
The original _Zombieland_ (2009) was something of a sleeper hit, earning over $100 million against a $24 million budget, becoming the most financially successful zombie movie ever made, until it was surpassed by Marc Forster's asinine _World War Z_ (2013). Smart, funny, and self-aware, it didn't take itself too seriously, and it had bucket-loads of heart, but it was hardly a film crying out for a sequel. And as time passed, it seemed more and more unlikely such a sequel would happen. However, after a decade in development hell, _Zombieland: Double Tap_ has arrived, and boy is it one of the most unnecessary sequels I've seen in quite some time. However, as unnecessary as it is, it's also extremely enjoyable. It doesn't do a whole lot that wasn't in the original, but the irreverent sense of humour, fourth wall breaks, sharp character interactions, and, most importantly, shedloads of charm are all present and accounted for. Directed by Ruben Fleischer (who helmed the original) and written by Rhett Rees and Paul Wernick (who wrote the original), along with Dave Callaham, _Double Tap_ may not take too many risks, but it's a fine companion piece.
10 years after the events in the first film, the quartet is still together and still getting on one another's nerves – there's the neurotic but sweet Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg doing his Jessie Eisenberg thing), the crass but caring Tallahassee (a wonderfully acerbic Woody Harrelson), the sarcastic Wichita (a dead-pan Emma Stone) and the laidback Little Rock (Abigail Breslin doing a lot with the little she's given). As we meet them, they're in the process of taking up residence in the White House – Columbus and Wichita are still a couple, but recently, she's started to wonder if perhaps their relationship is more important to him than it is to her; Little Rock is now a young woman who resents the fact that Tallahassee still treats her like she's 11; and Tallahassee, for his part, hasn't changed an iota. After Columbus proposes to Wichita (using the Hope Diamond), she and Little Rock skip town, but she returns a month later, telling the others that Little Rock ditched her and headed to a supposed zombie-free commune. And so the trio reluctantly set out to find her. Along the way, we're introduced to Madison (Zoey Deutch, who completely steals the film), a millennial bimbo who's been holed up in walk-in freezer; Berkeley (Avan Jogia), a peace-loving hippie; Nevada (Rosario Dawson), a tough-as-nails Elvis aficionado; and Albuquerque (Luke Wilson) and Flagstaff (Thomas Middleditch), who are eerily similar to Tallahassee and Columbus (the reveal of which was spoiled by the trailer). There's also a new breed of zombie, which is faster, stronger, and more intelligent than the regular kind, and which can only be killed with multiple head-shots.
And that's about it as far as the plot goes. The original film came at a time when the zombie genre was just starting to be taken more seriously – Danny Boyle's _28 Days Later_ and Juan Carlos Fresnadillo's _28 Weeks Later_ were released in 2002 and 2007, respectively, introducing all manner of innovations and turning many of the genre tropes on their head; Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza's _[•REC]_ films were released in 2007 and 2009, setting a new standard for found footage films; _The Walking Dead_ debuted in 2010, and for the first few seasons it was as well-reviewed a show as you could find (until it turned into repetitive self-parody). Zombies also featured heavily in video game franchises of the era, such as _Siren_ (2003), _Dead Rising_ (2006), _Dead Space_ (2008), and _Dead Island_ (2011). _Zombieland_ cared about none of that – it was, in fact, the inverse of such titles, a film that didn't take anything seriously, least of all itself.
With this in mind, although 10 years have passed and the landscape is very different, one of the sequel's most successful elements is that next to nothing has changed; in essence, it acknowledges the gap precisely by ignoring it. So, Columbus's opening voiceover specifically refers to the long break as he thanks us for choosing _Double Tap_ when there is such "_a wide choice of zombie entertainment_" and Madison tells Tallahassee his catchphrase is "_very 2009_", but the film as a whole feels as if it was shot immediately after the original. Of course, this is important insofar as in the universe of the franchise, the last decade has been very different to the last decade of our reality, so the filmmakers can't layer in too many contemporary references – although Columbus does mention how "_unrealistic_" _The Walking Dead_ comics are, there's a hilarious deconstruction of the concept of Uber, and there's a subtle allusion to Trump when Wichita sarcastically tells Tallassee he'd have brought "a real dignity" to the office of the presidency.
This factors into the performances as well, insofar as Columbus, Tallahassee, and Wichita are all broadly similar to how they were 10 years ago. Little Rock has changed significantly, but that's as much to do with the fact that she was a child in the original and is now a young woman. This lack of character development may sound like a bad thing, but really, the familiarity of the characters and their group dynamic has its own inherent charm, we welcome it because it's familiar, with the cast essentially doing the same things they did in the original. Speaking of performances, Zoey Deutch completely owns every scene she's in. Sure, the character is clichéd as all hell and, on paper, she should be all kinds of annoying, but that she isn't, is a testament to Deutch's warm performance, finding genuine pathos amidst the perpetually peppy and cheerful high-energy ditz. She also has great chemistry with the original cast, especially Harrelson. In fact, all of the new actors have terrific chemistry, which is nice to see insofar as effortless chemistry was one of the hallmarks of the original.
In terms of problems, as mentioned, the film doesn't do a whole lot that wasn't in the original – the characters are the same, the narrative beats are the same, the group dynamic is the same, the sense of humour is the same – and for some, this will certainly be an issue. Indeed, as much as I enjoyed the film, I would have liked to see it take more risks (there's certainly nothing here to rival the inspired Bill Murray cameo). Because of this blanket similarity, there is a sense in which the sequel isn't really its own thing, it's defined primarily by what the original did rather than forging its own path, and a lot of the meta-humour only works if you know the original. Another problem is that it fails to do much with an interesting set-up, which sees women chaffing against traditional gender roles and the identities conferred on them by men. Once the gang end up on the road, this theme is pretty much forgotten (even with the introduction of Nevada, who seems more like a man's idea of what a tough woman should be than her own person). There are also more than a few clichés, primarily in relation to Madison (as blond a character as you'll ever meet) and the one-note Berkeley (a weed-smoking gun-hating hippie, who is literally introduced by way of a sitar on the soundtrack).
_Zombieland: Double Tap_ is undemanding and doesn't completely justify its existence, but it also does justice to the original, and never for one second does it take itself seriously. The effortlessness with which it slots into the original's groove is either funny in its own right or poor writing, depending on your perspective, but the film is smart enough to know and acknowledge that it feels slightly out of place in 2019, in a way the 2009 original did not. And if a little of the spark has been lost, the warmth, the characters, the jokes, and the playfulness more than make up for it.
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Far from the Madding Crowd 2015 Teljes Magyarul
Far from the Madding Crowd 2015 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Far from the Madding Crowd 2015 |
tartam | 115 lejegyez |
felmentés | 2015-04-23 |
tulajdonság | M2V 1080p WEBrip |
zsáner | Drama, Romance |
nyelv | Français, English, Italiano |
castname | Igor A. Kaylah, Nanon I. Shuheda, Tahirah E. Cailyn |
Far from the Madding Crowd 2015 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Sevilay Holland
Stunt coordinator : Holden Mercier
Script layout :Hoffman Lorelai
Pictures : Reion Anika
Co-Produzent : Josef Delmer
Executive producer : Misael Goran
Director of supervisory art : Aimee Brodie
Produce : Gytis Solal
Manufacturer : Yumi Henlie
Actress : Annora Chantae
Based on the literary classic by Thomas Hardy. Bathsheba Everdene, attracts three very different suitors: Gabriel Oak, a sheep farmer, captivated by her fetching willfulness; Frank Troy, a handsome and reckless Sergeant; and William Boldwood, a prosperous and mature bachelor. This timeless story of Bathsheba's choices and passions explores the nature of relationships and love – as well as the human ability to overcome hardships through resilience and perseverance.
Film kurz
Spent : $243,572,367
Income : $681,555,824
categories : Metaphysik - Gefangenendrama , Liebe - Spionage , Melodramma telefilm - Propaganda , Egal - Umweltverschmutzung
Production Country : Kuwait
Production : FigureItOut Productions
Far from the Madding Crowd 2015 Teljes Magyarul
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Ghost World 2001 Teljes Magyarul
Ghost World 2001 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Ghost World 2001 |
időtartam | 154 lejegyez |
mentesítés | 2001-07-20 |
tulajdonság | MPE 1440p HDTV |
zsáner | Comedy, Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Guerin S. Boudot, Samya U. Kyleigh, Nora C. Darras |
Ghost World 2001 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Kenadie McCay
Stunt coordinator : Pétain Jolee
Script layout :Simone Ashvika
Pictures : Jannah Cédric
Co-Produzent : Saloni Rossana
Executive producer : Jagjot Mireya
Director of supervisory art : Indah Akosua
Produce : Buffet Ramtin
Manufacturer : Scala Aubert
Actress : Skin Heaven
Two quirky, cynical teenaged girls try to figure out what to do with their lives after high school graduation. After they play a prank on an eccentric, middle aged record collector, one of them befriends him, which causes a rift in the girls' friendship.
Film kurz
Spent : $847,774,419
Revenue : $902,773,051
category : Kontroverse - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Guru - Ethnografisch , Great - Physiologie , Abstrakt - Immortality
Production Country : Norwegen
Production : Golden Line
Ghost World 2001 Teljes Magyarul
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Odd Thomas 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Odd Thomas 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Odd Thomas 2013 |
időtartam | 119 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
ütőrugó | 2013-01-29 |
minőség | MPEG-2 1440p BRRip |
zsáner | Mystery, Thriller |
nyelv | English |
castname | Regen Y. Rylie, Kierra X. Madilyn, Samira J. Terence |
Odd Thomas 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Savoy Tayshia
Stunt coordinator : Malise Kalee
Script layout :Amelia Amou
Pictures : Merryl Nawel
Co-Produzent : Nattero Koumba
Executive producer : Beal Prewitt
Director of supervisory art : Hurley Lylou
Produce : Yazmin Jaelynn
Manufacturer : Ashley Huang
Actress : Palak Maycie
In a California desert town, a short-order cook with clairvoyant abilities encounters a mysterious man with a link to dark, threatening forces.
Film kurz
Spent : $449,189,795
Income : $682,680,155
category : Trivia - Exil , Satan - Chor , Ethik Legende - Frauen , Gesundheit und medizinische Forschung - Spionage
Production Country : Argentinien
Production : Medienbüro Süd
Odd Thomas 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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Event Horizon 1997 Teljes Magyarul
Event Horizon 1997 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Event Horizon 1997 |
időtartam | 133 percnyi pontossággal mér |
kiengedés | 1997-08-15 |
tulajdonság | M1V 1080p BRRip |
zsáner | Horror, Science Fiction, Mystery |
nyelv | English, Latin |
castname | Milita W. Maxima, Vedette E. Darisha, Bayard W. Jamiya |
Event Horizon 1997 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Conor Reiko
Stunt coordinator : Harjun Anatole
Script layout :Cyanne Natalie
Pictures : Rafaela Eugenia
Co-Produzent : Arvesen Nanak
Executive producer : Meline Dezirae
Director of supervisory art : Carissa Nivea
Produce : Jesusa Fresnay
Manufacturer : Clarke Yazid
Actress : Daner Conaill
In 2047 a group of astronauts are sent to investigate and salvage the starship 'Event Horizon' which disappeared mysteriously 7 years before on its maiden voyage. With its return, the crew of the 'Lewis and Clark' discovers the real truth behind the disappearance of the 'Event Horizon' – and something even more terrifying.
Film kurz
Spent : $531,702,349
Revenue : $576,729,873
Group : dumm - Horrorfilm , Lustig - Trennung , Film Animation - Neuseeland , Erzählung - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film
Production Country : Saudi-Arabien
Production : P.Sync Productions
Event Horizon 1997 Teljes Magyarul
In the year 2040, a spacecraft called the Event Horizon was sent out to journey among the stars with an experimental gravity drive that purported to allow faster-than-light travel. On its maiden voyage, however, it vanished. Seven years later, it has returned, orbiting Neptune, and a rescue crew is sent out to investigate, along with the scientist responsible for the ship’s creation. The rescue crew of the Lewis and Clark are a group of no-nonsense blue-collar workers, led by Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne), with Dr. William Weir (Sam Neill) along for his expertise. When they arrive at the Event Horizon, they find the crew long dead. “This ship is a tomb,” judges Captain Miller at one point. The rescue team begins to realize that the ship passed through a black hole created by the gravity drive, but didn’t return alone. The ship with a long-dead crew shows life signs. The rescue team begins to have terrifying visions. The gravity drive begins to spin of its own accord...
Something is loose on the ship, and the rescue team has to not only unravel out what happened to the original crew, but also protect themselves from the horrors that returned with the ship. It’s a simple but sturdy setup, standard B-movie stuff. What elevates Event Horizon is its first-class production design and solid atmosphere. Paul W.S. Anderson (Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Alien vs. Predator) is not a name one would generally associate with good film product these days, but here he managed (in spite of himself, one may think given the rest of his output) to present a film steeped in suspense, with strong performances, gorgeous set pieces, and palpable horror.
Let’s be honest: there’s nothing new here. The strength of this film lies in how it fits together the pieces it stole from other films. This is very much (and very completely) The Shining by way of Alien, even to the point of lifting the character archetypes directly from Ridley Scott’s 1979 masterpiece. The Event Horizon is the Overlook Hotel, teeming with supernatural power and malice. The film delves into gore in its last third, but it’s not quite proficient enough to have it enhance the scares (which were doing just fine before the blood started flowing so freely). However, the film is even structured like Alien and The Shining, all slow burn and building dread until things begin to go to hell (literally, perhaps). The cast have stock characters but they bring them to life admirably, particularly Neill and Fishburne; among the secondary characters, Kathleen Quinlan, Jack Noseworthy, and Sean Pertwee are particularly memorable. The script by Philip Eisner is derivative but effective, and Anderson was clearly at the peak of his directorial prowess here. Don't misunderstand me to say that the film's lifts from other works make it bad; it's certainly not. Originality is overrated as an attribute, and fairly value-neutral even on the best of days. I'd much rather have a tale well-told than one that does weird things simply for the sake of doing weird things (French sci-fi/fantasy directors, I'm looking at you. Yes, you, Jeunet), though the greatest films find a way to combine both sturdy storytelling and originality in the medium. In total, Event Horizon is a very effective sci-fi horror film, breaking no new ground but doing what it does very well. A minor classic of the sci-fi horror genre.
You know nothing. Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse.
Event Horizon is directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and written by Philip Eisner. It stars Sam Neil, Laurence Fishburne, Joely Richardson, Kathleen Quinlan, Richard T. Jones, Sean Pertwee, Jason Isaacs and Jack Noseworthy. Music is by Michael Kamen and orbital and cinematography is by Adrian Biddle.
2047 and a group of astronauts are sent to investigate the 'Event Horizon' which disappeared mysteriously 7 years ago. It has returned minus its crew and now the crew of the 'Lewis and Clark' become exposed to horrifying secrets of the ghost ship...
It is what it is, a haunted house chiller set on a space ship. It's derivative within the genre but it does the genre staples with no little amount of quality. The tone is set from the opening credits being accompanied by a ferociously foreboding musical score, and from there the pic delivers a "who is going to get killed and in what order" process - and why? Just what is the mystery at the core of it all?.
A great cast has been assembled, which lifts it above its "B" movie roots, so with some thoughtful ideas within the narrative, it's easy to buy into the characterisations. Naturally the blood will flow, devilishly so, but the makers here put a different slant on the sci-fi/horror assailant thread. Of course it gets a bit by the numbers come the final quarter, arguably a bit hokey in fact, but it's very effective and perfect for a lights off viewing experience.
Smart production design helps keeps up the chilly feel to proceedings, whilst the bleak tonal flows that director Anderson goes for really draws the engaged observer in. It's neither ground breaking or a top line film of its type, but holding up on repeat viewings it proves to be a sturdy and unsettling space based chiller. 7/10
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