Adrift 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Adrift 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Adrift 2018 |
időtartam | 174 percnyi pontossággal mér |
mentesítés | 2018-05-31 |
minőség | AVI 1080p WEBrip |
zsáner | Thriller, Romance, Adventure |
nyelv | English |
castname | Renato E. Meagan, Fezan R. Taha, Blalock G. Houle |
Adrift 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Soult Pena
Stunt coordinator : Ekhum Neev
Script layout :Clara Ankah
Pictures : Kairi Sestier
Co-Produzent : Gregory Fournié
Executive producer : Nargis Debré
Director of supervisory art : Wezley Maud
Produce : Belinda Daniil
Manufacturer : Henlee Mehdi
Actress : Esti Jolyn
A true story of survival, as a young couple's chance encounter leads them first to love, and then on the adventure of a lifetime as they face one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history.
Film kurz
Spent : $220,139,563
Revenue : $794,569,705
categories : Lustig - Barmherzigkeit , Krieg - Trennung , Armee - Frühling , Maritimes Drama - Einfach
Production Country : Paraguay
Production : Lereby Productions
Adrift 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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Office Space 1999 Teljes Magyarul
Office Space 1999 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Office Space 1999 |
tartam | 163 feljegyez |
szabadon bocsátás | 1999-02-19 |
tulajdonság | MP4 720p DVDScr |
zsáner | Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Braun E. Vail, Midal E. Minh, Obrien A. Loiseau |
Office Space 1999 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Codei Nicola
Stunt coordinator : Meryam Rémi
Script layout :Tristen Ireland
Pictures : Mattia Benton
Co-Produzent : Shanine Sargent
Executive producer : Gaga Bedia
Director of supervisory art : Afiyah Rhuben
Produce : Indica Caylee
Manufacturer : Pécaut Leach
Actress : Eddy Félix
Three office workers strike back at their evil employers by hatching a hapless attempt to embezzle money.
Film kurz
Spent : $810,391,140
Income : $873,624,929
Group : Erlösung - Schauplätze , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - Polizei , Lustig - Polizei , Geschichte - Skizzen
Production Country : Kuba
Production : WGBH Kids
Office Space 1999 Teljes Magyarul
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Lincoln 2012 Teljes Magyarul
Lincoln 2012 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Lincoln 2012 |
időtartam | 137 feljegyez |
tulajdon-átruházási okirat | 2012-11-09 |
minőség | MPEG-1 720p BDRip |
zsáner | History, Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Arani G. Brooks, Chanaye G. Chanice, Deyan F. Tino |
Lincoln 2012 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Noella Lainey
Stunt coordinator : Alexy Semanur
Script layout :Jade Adelphe
Pictures : Lyana Cooke
Co-Produzent : Jassim Nikaya
Executive producer : Alvyn Mindi
Director of supervisory art : Marylou Myla
Produce : Vachel Katelen
Manufacturer : Penny Tahel
Actress : Popesco Nasifah
The revealing story of the 16th US President's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come.
Film kurz
Spent : $281,583,219
Income : $854,340,758
categories : Boats - Guilty , Isolation - Psychologisches Drama , Zynisch - Weihnachten , Schwören - Democracy
Production Country : Grenada
Production : NVC Arts
Lincoln 2012 Teljes Magyarul
Very powerful journey back into history!
It lacked a big deal of rhythm but the revision of the history and, specially, the great performance by Day-Lewis makes it a movie worth watching.
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Zulu 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Zulu 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Zulu 2013 |
tartam | 189 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
kikapcsolás | 2013-12-04 |
minőség | AVI 1440p DVDrip |
műfaj | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
nyelv | English |
castname | Barry M. Gamache, Faima X. Aydin, Esmail N. Dunham |
Zulu 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Gallia Aesha
Stunt coordinator : Desirae Chavez
Script layout :Alvaro Geneve
Pictures : Teodor Dannii
Co-Produzent : Moriah Krystal
Executive producer : Durepos Metin
Director of supervisory art : Dinet Arlowe
Produce : Tinayre Zarrah
Manufacturer : Larissa Niels
Actress : Sutton Peeples
As a child, Ali Neuman narrowly escaped being murdered by Inkhata, a militant political party at war with Nelson Mandela's African National Congress. Only he and his mother survived the carnage of those years. But as with many survivors, the psychological scars remain.
Film kurz
Spent : $007,775,826
Revenue : $491,388,155
Group : Literatur - Hilarious , Gesundheit und medizinische Forschung - Césarisé , Hysterisch - Idee, Literatur - Guilty
Production Country : Mexiko
Production : WWF Köln
Zulu 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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Aladdin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Aladdin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Aladdin 2019 |
időtartam | 185 percnyi pontossággal mér |
szabadon bocsátás | 2019-05-22 |
minőség | MPEG-2 1440p VHSRip |
műfaj | Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Comedy, Family |
nyelv | English |
castname | Massias T. Mayane, Neville E. Sahej, Gamblin Q. Gros |
Aladdin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Avyanna Lisle
Stunt coordinator : Georgiy Amel
Script layout :Kilmer Waïl
Pictures : Mory Poivre
Co-Produzent : Siarah Abigail
Executive producer : Gunner MacLeod
Director of supervisory art : Fatemah Leeves
Produce : Sonica Granel
Manufacturer : Szendy Flers
Actress : Kiel Geena
A kindhearted street urchin named Aladdin embarks on a magical adventure after finding a lamp that releases a wisecracking genie while a power-hungry Grand Vizier vies for the same lamp that has the power to make their deepest wishes come true.
Film kurz
Spent : $217,512,604
Income : $058,635,203
Categorie : Cartoon - Guerilla , Fantasiepolitik - Ethnografisch , Stück Leben - Biographie , Biblisch - Trennung
Production Country : Frankreich
Production : GoodWorks Productions
Aladdin 2019 Teljes Magyarul
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)
What a wonderful surprise! I didn’t watch any trailers or clips, I completely stayed away from any sort of marketing, but I couldn’t hide from the negative feedback that social media was presenting. People online were skeptical of how good Will Smith‘s Genie would be, of how Mena Massoud (Aladdin) and Naomi Scott (Jasmine) were not the best casting choices, and of how the remake would actually honor and respect its original. From someone who didn’t know what to expect, I thoroughly enjoyed Guy Ritchie‘s take on the retelling of this famous story. All of the fears described above are obliterated by a magical cast, and they’re the ones who carry the movie to safe harbor.
I’ll start with one out of two standout performances: Will Smith as the Genie. He delivers an indisputably unique and entertaining display as the blue entity. By the way he moves and talks, there’s absolutely no way of people criticizing him for trying to copy Robin Williams. Smith does his own thing, and it works superbly. The best compliment I can give him is that I felt the same thing about Genie in this remake that I did while watching the original: every time he wasn’t on screen, I wanted him to be back immediately. In the original, I thought that the Genie appeared in the right moments every single time, which was when the pacing started to drop too much.
In this remake, the periods without Genie are more extended, and the first act suffers a bit from its slow pace, and lack of truly fun sequences. Nevertheless, once the Cave of Wonders comes into play, it’s a blast until the very end. The magic carpet and Abu make one hell of a comedy duo, and they’re responsible for a lot of the laughs throughout the runtime. Going back to Genie, I love that Ritchie and John August gave him something more in comparison with the original, and that’s one of few improvements actually made to the original. I wrote on that review that I was hoping that they gave more time for the core relationship of the film to develop and that Jafar (Marwan Kenzari) was more than just a paper-thin villain…
Well, Jafar keeps being an evil sorcerer that only desires power to rule everything and everyone. Unfortunately, he has more screentime than its predecessor, which means more over-the-top monologues of Kenzari, and sillier sequences with the whole hypnosis trick. On the other hand, Jasmine and Aladdin have a fully-developed script, which is by far the best improvement on the original. Their relationship grows naturally, and each character gets a lot of moments to express their feelings and show who they truly are, especially Jasmine. She is directly connected to an issue that will definitely make this movie incredibly divisive, audience and critics alike, but I’ll address it more at the end of the review.
Independently of the characters, Mena Massoud and Naomi Scott deliver breakthrough performances. Massoud is funny and quite likable as Aladdin, but Naomi is an absolute standout. Now, we look at this film as just another Disney remake. In a few years, we’ll look at Aladdin (2019) as the movie that launched Naomi Scott into the stardom. She is astonishingly outstanding as Jasmine. Not only her voice is pretty amazing, but her acting is unbelievably seamless. Regarding singing, Will Smith and Mena Massoud are also pretty good, and the musical numbers are another aspect that I surprisingly loved. Prince Ali, Friend Like Me, A Whole New World and the new song, Speechless, are beautiful, powerful, and the first two’s production design and VFX are overwhelming in a good way.
Guy Ritchie is known for his very fluid chasing sequences, and Aladdin running through Agrabah is very well filmed as expected. However, the long choreographed takes during these musical scenes are a wonder to behold, from the first to the very last one, even after the “The End” tagline shows up. A perfect remake is one that is able to keep the original’s essence while being its own thing. Ritchie does an impressive job balancing these pillars. For anyone who loves the original and wanted the remake to be a shot-by-shot retell of the story, every single little detail (from key words to important character moments) is present in this film. For anyone who wanted a different take, there’s more than enough minor changes to either how the story proceeds (order of events, more character development) or even how it ends, which leads me to the above-mentioned divisive issue.
Every time a political or social agenda is inserted in a movie, people don’t care if it’s well-written or not. They just don’t want any of those things on any film, and I support that. Hollywood needs to stop trying to put something politically or socially correct in a movie, just for the sake of it. Aladdin (2019) has a clear social message, and it uses one of the main characters to state that message clearly. Now, here’s the catch: having in mind the character in question, how it’s written, and what they do to send that social message, I think it’s fine. Yes, I know that a lot of people will think the complete opposite and crucify the film for it. I usually do the following mental exercise: “Does it make sense with the story/character? Is it just a single moment during the movie (proving that it might be too forced) or do they develop the idea? If it was an original film, would I even be thinking about this?”
Yes. They develop the idea. Probably not. Those are my answers, and that’s why I stand on the positive side of this soon-to-be heavily discussed subject during a few days. People need to start opening their minds to these modern takes on pre-21st-century classics. I always use Dumbo (1941) as an example: this is probably the most racist Disney movie ever, with extreme discrimination, total disrespect for animals, alcohol-induced plot points, and so much more morally and socially wrong storylines and character’s personalities. There’s no way that a film like that can be released today! So, obviously, Dumbo (2019) had to be extremely different from that one-hour racism show.
Aladdin (1992) also has a particular aspect about it that it doesn’t quite fit nowadays’ culture. It’s not offensive or anything, but I bet that if it was released today, a whole group of people would complain about it. Aladdin (2019) tries to adapt, and while it might have tried too hard, I still appreciate the effort, and at least it makes sense. It’s only a minor change to the core story and to the character in question, so it' shouldn’t affect the overall viewing of the movie. If Speechless wasn’t created, it would have been totally fine, but I have to admit that even if the song sounds great and the lyrics are impactful, it’s still a stretch… Naomi Scott interprets it beautifully, though.
Visually, the film is stunning. Agrabah is an absolute delight that will make hardcore fans’ jaws drop continuously, each time a new location is shown. I love how Ritchie strolls the camera around to show-off his production crew beautiful work, most of the times through long and fluid takes. I wish (no pun intended) he could have controlled the movie’s pace and tone better. Periods without Genie to entertain the audience are too long, and Ritchie shouldn’t risk the boredom levels to be as high as they are occasionally.
All in all, Aladdin (2019) succeeds in balancing the two pillars of any remake: it keeps the original’s true essence while standing on its own. Will Smith shuts down online skeptics with a super entertaining and unique performance as Genie, but it’s Naomi Scott and Mena Massoud palpable chemistry that surprised the hell out of me. The latter is perfect as Aladdin, but Naomi has her breakthrough display, which is definitely going to take her to even bigger stages. Guy Ritchie proves he’s a fantastic director, by delivering some beautiful one-take sequences and exceptionally fun and well-choreographed musical numbers. Technically, the production and set design are astounding, but the pacing-tone levels aren’t as balanced as they should have been, which makes the runtime over-extend itself.
Story-wise, people will feel incredibly divisive. Most of the screenplay is identical to its predecessor, but Disney’s attempt to force down a social message is not going to help the film, at all. Even if it makes sense and it’s only a minor twist, it was still unnecessary, and it might even shadow Naomi‘s brilliant performance, which would be a massive shame. Jafar bothers me a lot more than any of this stuff. However, Ritchie and John August deserve nothing but compliments for trying so hard to adapt such a risky original and mostly succeed doing it. I genuinely hope it crushes in the box office. It’s really a diamond (in the rough). Go watch it and make your own opinion!
Rating: B+
Saw this one last night and I must say I wasn't sure what to expect but I was extremely impressed by what I saw the movie made me laugh and smile theres plenty of action for Young boys and alot of music costumes and romance for young girls the only problem I see is there are shots of swinging breasts due to the wardrobe back then also the action may be a bit much for the youngest of kids but it's pure edge of the seat adventure that you absolutely must see best Disney movie of the year so far
While I am fully prepared to admit that I hated this slightly less than I expected to, I also officially give up on Guy Ritchie. Disney's original _Aladdin_ is not one of my favourite Disney flicks, but I do like it. And although I'm sure there are people out there who will appreciate this live action do-over more than me, I do find it difficult to believe anyone would think this one is the better of the two versions.
_Final rating:★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._
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Shahid 2012 Teljes Magyarul
Shahid 2012 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Shahid 2012 |
tartam | 168 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
szabadon bocsátás | 2012-10-18 |
tulajdonság | SDDS 1080p DVDrip |
zsáner | Drama, Crime |
nyelv | हिन्दी |
castname | Caden Q. Radia, Ussama L. Nanette, Gaga C. Supriya |
Shahid 2012 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Clirim Sharri
Stunt coordinator : Adela Delorse
Script layout :Fares Bhavini
Pictures : Loan Dagnaux
Co-Produzent : Efran Cameran
Executive producer : Phuong Bodin
Director of supervisory art : Elyn Delwyn
Produce : Emma Marcoux
Manufacturer : Tarbuck Chere
Actress : Franco Selina
A story based on real-life human-rights and criminal lawyer, Shahid Azmi, who was slain while defending the wrongly accused by the law in terrorist activities.
Film kurz
Spent : $226,315,687
Revenue : $136,786,006
Categorie : von cops - Raumschiff , Spionage - Super Heroes gesunder Menschenverstand , Scary - einfallsreich , Geschichte - Hilarious
Production Country : Rumänien
Production : Filmarmoniki
Shahid 2012 Teljes Magyarul
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The Huntsman: Winter's War 2016 Teljes Magyarul
The Huntsman: Winter's War 2016 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | The Huntsman: Winter's War 2016 |
tartam | 148 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
szabadon bocsátás | 2016-04-06 |
minőség | MP4 1440p WEBrip |
zsáner | Action, Adventure, Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Meriem X. Chmouel, Jono K. Ulliel, Corneau H. Marx |
The Huntsman: Winter's War 2016 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Clelie Bosco
Stunt coordinator : Wotling Maximus
Script layout :Imani Zaire
Pictures : Minnie Giacomo
Co-Produzent : Mawada Daquan
Executive producer : Suneet Blum
Director of supervisory art : Antigna Dyana
Produce : Isis Aisya
Manufacturer : Aurelio Tahiyya
Actress : Abithan Goran
As two evil sisters prepare to conquer the land, two renegades—Eric the Huntsman, who aided Snow White in defeating Ravenna in Snowwhite and the Huntsman, and his forbidden lover, Sara—set out to stop them.
Film kurz
Spent : $654,414,361
Revenue : $046,570,086
Categorie : Musikwissenschaft - Frühling , Jungs Prähistorisch - Schreiben , Himmel - Geistesgesundheit , Opernfilm - Soundtrack
Production Country : Papua-Neuguinea
Production : Rosner Television
The Huntsman: Winter's War 2016 Teljes Magyarul
**The Huntsman and his romance caught between the two evil sisters.**
This is a sequel as well as a prequel to the 2012 film 'Snow White and Huntsman'. It opened with the earlier story where and how the Huntsman grew up, especially the journey of his innocent childhood to a great fighter that covers in the first half an hour. And then it skips for about 7 years where the original film takes place, but immediately begins where it had ended in the first half, as well as the first film. Actually, not a bad film as I have heard of it, but same as the previous film that stands just above the average and slightly loses some decibel rating.
The actors were good though. Emily Blunt, Jessica Chastain and Charlize Theron, wow, super hot women, but sadly they are in fairytale costume. Their performances were great, but the characters, particularly the two sisters resemble the 'Frozen's Anna and Elsa. You can feel how desperate was the filmmakers to avoid such comparisons by viewers, so they developed the story very far from any string attached to that famous animation. In the end these things are unavoidable, since the story is not fresh enough to claim its independent status.
Chris Hemsworth was okay, I hope he won't return for the third film. It is a decent watch, and I think it will remain as an duology, for right now it seems a good idea. The problem is it was being made a dark-fantasy to appeal the grown ups, particularly men. But it should have been a children's film where adults too can enjoy like the Disney's 'Maleficent'. Except the opening the rest of the story seemed very ordinary. Though the action sequences were enjoyable and so the film with a low expectation, or the purpose of the watch is the timepass.
This is kind of a prequel and a sequel to Snow White and The Huntsman. It is not as impressive as the first movie but quite good anyway. I would call it a nice family movie although probably not for the youngest members of the family.
The story is partly before and partly after the events in Snow White and The Huntsman. It is a good adventure with plenty of magic and special effects and a fair bit of action. It is a fairly straightforward story without much in terms of surprises.
There is a bit of comical relief in particular by the dwarfs, especially when the two dwarfs following the huntsman encounters the grumpy female one and her friend.
Apart from the classical Snow White setting, quite good special effects and quite decent action this is a fairly normal fantasy adventure movie. It is about two hours of good fun but does not really reach wow-status.
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Inception 2010 Teljes Magyarul
Inception 2010 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Inception 2010 |
időtartam | 155 lejegyez |
kikapcsolás | 2010-07-15 |
minőség | MP4 1440p DVDScr |
zsáner | Action, Science Fiction, Adventure |
nyelv | English, 日本語 |
castname | Mahdi A. Malik, Shanine C. Yohan, Mela J. Hirad |
Inception 2010 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Bardin Aguirre
Stunt coordinator : Mélina Gros
Script layout :Jayla Puech
Pictures : Musette Denice
Co-Produzent : Piers Harper
Executive producer : Othello Natasha
Director of supervisory art : Elyn Yusupha
Produce : Ricœur Sukaina
Manufacturer : Shani Odélia
Actress : Baye Peeples
Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: "inception", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.
Film kurz
Spent : $037,805,500
Revenue : $006,212,265
category : dumm - Widerstand paradox , Samurai - Tapferkeit , Flucht - Brüder , Gehirn - Sozialismus
Production Country : Swasiland
Production : KBYU Provo
Inception 2010 Teljes Magyarul
When I first saw the trailer for this film, I knew that this would attract a lot of attention. Of course having Leonardo in the lead role helped a lot.
From the trailer, I already know some things. Dreams. All about dreams. But what about dreams? Who are the other people? At first, I didn't really understand what was going on. It was all very confusing to me. But as the movie progresses, I start to understand it and I wanted to watch some more and know more what will happen in the end. The ending. That was, I think, the most intense ending of a movie in a year or probably more than a year. People actually screamed when the screen faded. And of course, people couldn't help but talk about it. It was an open-ended movie where people will have their own endings. My favorite part was Joseph Gordon's fight scene. I think he has the most fun part in this movie.
My rate for this movie is A.
Whether you watch Inception as a heist movie, a redemption story, or a sci-fi action picture, Christopher Nolan's tour de force of dreams will absolutely work its magic over you. The fact that the film works on so many levels (literally) is an attest not only to the visual queues that make it easy for the audience to follow but to how much in control of all the intricacies its filmmaker had to be.
Is there anyone on earth who doesn't like Christopher Nolan’s films? Inception is one of his masterpieces. It’s a science fiction film released in 2010 and written by undoubtedly one of the greatest directors in Hollywood, Christopher Nolan, the creator of such stunning films as ‘Memento’, ‘The dark knight’, Prestige’ and ‘Interstellar’. the cast is impressive: the main roles are played by Leo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Dileep Rao, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, and Michael Caine.
The film is based on the idea of lucid dreams. In the story, the professionals of industrial espionage, using special techniques to steal valuable secrets from the depths of the subconscious during sleep, when the human mind is most vulnerable, learn a new technique - the ‘inception’ of ideas into the human mind through his dream. The main character - Dom Cobb is a talented thief, his rare abilities made him a truly valuable player in the treacherous world of espionage, but they also turned him into a perennial fugitive and stripped him of everything he had ever loved. One day Cobb has a chance to correct mistakes. His latest case can bring everything back, but for that he needs to do the impossible - inception.
There are so many good things about the film. The plot of the film is definitely mind-blowing. You won't be able to take your eyes off the screen. The soundtrack is written by Hans Zimmer, who is certainly one of the most sought-after composers. I think all his music is incredibly touching, dramatic and powerful. There are also some iconic songs we all know. The work on the special effects is done flawlessly, evidently, a lot of money was spent on this. The acting is also wonderful, Leo DiCaprio, who was the first actor to accept the offer to play in the film, has done an amazing job.
The only thing that viewers can find bad about this film is that it can be extremely difficult to perceive. If you don’t watch the film close enough you can simply get lost in all these jumping from dreams to reality.
A curious fact is that Christopher Nolan released the film in 2010 but started working on it at the beginning of the 2000s! I would recommend everyone to see the film, even if you are not interested in sci-fi.
Ariadne: "Why is it so important to dream?"
Cobb: "Because, in my dreams we are together."
I haven't seen this movie in years, but after re-watching it struck me hard how depressing this was.
Putting aside the action sequences and loud music and a complicate plot, there's a beautiful story about a man trying to get back to his children, without it being cheesy. Well if you really break this movie at it's core, it's about two grieving men (Leo and Murphy), both haunted by the past until they have the strength to accept reality and let them go.
The 'Grow Old Together' scene stuck with me the most.
You can say whatever you want about Christopher Nolan, but his movies are never hollow. I'm also convince that Nolan would be the perfect choice to direct a James Bond movie.
Seriously, throughout the whole movie I was thinking "Man imagine the genius behind Inception directing a Bond movie". The ingredients are right there.
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The Hunt for Red October 1990 Teljes Magyarul
The Hunt for Red October 1990 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | The Hunt for Red October 1990 |
tartam | 118 lejegyez |
árammegszakító | 1990-03-02 |
tulajdonság | MPG 1440p WEBrip |
műfaj | Action, Adventure, Thriller |
nyelv | English, Pусский |
castname | Ardis Z. Azurine, Nanine G. Hetansh, Dielle Y. Emese |
The Hunt for Red October 1990 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Ergi Dubarle
Stunt coordinator : Yung Anahita
Script layout :Serreau Mazen
Pictures : Olympe Kyea
Co-Produzent : Massyl Tameira
Executive producer : Kurtz Alhaji
Director of supervisory art : Elian Abdoul
Produce : Dayan Cathy
Manufacturer : Syedah Aluin
Actress : Namory Elwanda
A new, technologically-superior Soviet sub, the Red October, is heading for the U.S. coast under the command of Captain Marko Ramius. The American government thinks Ramius is planning to attack. A lone CIA analyst has a different idea: he thinks Ramius is planning to defect, but he has only a few hours to find him and prove it — because the entire Russian naval and air commands are trying to find him, too.
Film kurz
Spent : $894,493,910
Revenue : $482,686,020
Categorie : Zynisch - Religious , Zynisch - Weisheit , Opernfilm - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film , ein Gesetz dunkle Feinde - Psychologisches Drama
Production Country : Andorra
Production : Flinck Film
The Hunt for Red October 1990 Teljes Magyarul
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Blade Runner 2049 2017 Teljes Magyarul
Blade Runner 2049 2017 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Blade Runner 2049 2017 |
tartam | 124 stopperel |
mentesítés | 2017-10-04 |
tulajdonság | FLA 1440p Bluray |
zsáner | Science Fiction, Drama |
nyelv | English, suomi |
castname | Tayjah R. Giguère, Ginnie Z. Fable, Shaniya N. Safwa |
Blade Runner 2049 2017 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Lucius Briley
Stunt coordinator : Ciaran Avare
Script layout :Matti Josuha
Pictures : Chaïma Sibylle
Co-Produzent : Fatima Liem
Executive producer : Damion Mayo
Director of supervisory art : Cornish Bruyère
Produce : Macie Peter
Manufacturer : Tran Valérie
Actress : Love Bonnee
Thirty years after the events of the first film, a new blade runner, LAPD Officer K, unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society into chaos. K's discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard, a former LAPD blade runner who has been missing for 30 years.
Film kurz
Spent : $112,363,098
Revenue : $839,355,825
categories : Conte - Zynismus , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - Hoffnung , Romantisch - Unabhängigkeit , Wandern - initiativ Klassische Verzweiflung
Production Country : Indien
Production : BBC Music
Blade Runner 2049 2017 Teljes Magyarul
"Blade Runner 2049 embraces the enormous shadow cast by Blade Runner 1982 by crafting a vast immersion in scale and vision..."
Read the full review here:
In a wonderfully woeful world, a detective makes a sad attempt at a relationship, has the most inventive sex scene ever committed to screen, and grapples with an existential crisis as he does his work. This stuff, which could work as a standalone story, is so strong that this movie must be seen.
Unfortunately, the movie doesn't realise that the protagonist's everyday life is the best part, and instead focuses on a larger-than-life, goofy premise meant to tie 2049 to the original and set up another sequel, thus undermining what would otherwise be a gripping, intimate story.
Hail to the Science Fiction gods as they came to their senses and granted upon the eagerly movie-going masses the long-awaited arrival of a stunning and opulent _Blade Runner_ sequel. Perhaps we should praise the understated genius and visionary mastermind Ridley Scott for his 1982 directorial accomplishment in serving up what appeared to be an underappreciated and overlooked SF thriller in its heyday over three decades ago only for it to emerge now as one of the greatest Science Fiction futuristic capers worthy of its cult classic following?
Maybe the long overdue kudos are reserved for the diehard nostalgic _Blade Runner_ bunch whose committed and fanatical fandom was the key catalyst for this undeniably brilliant, brainy, dazzling and polished presentation to resurface and give new vitalizing breath and striking energy to the Science Fiction genre in conception? Could it be possible that Hollywood simply saw opportunistic and healthy box office receipts to restart another pop cultural juggernaut from yesteryear’s cinematic scene?
Is there a returning Harrison Ford fixation/fetish blossoming courtesy of his past blockbuster film resume that boasts the obvious inclusion of prominent SF/adventure fantasy biggies such as both the _Star Wars_ phenomenon and the _Indiana Jones_ installments with _Blade Runner_ now taking up the matinee mantle?
Regardless of the film-making forces at hand or the key reasoning for this 164 minute visually arresting odyssey updated and packaged for bombastic _Blade Runner_ enthusiasts and dedicated SF connoisseurs the proof is in the proverbial pudding as **Blade Runner 2049** has made its auspicious presence known and succeeds thrillingly as an indelible wonderment in imagination, intrigue and intelligence.
Breathtakingly rich and vibrant in its overlong execution, **Blade Runner 2049** is a lustrous escapist epic that resonates with snappy pop, thought-provoking tendencies and atmospheric grittiness that soundly resonates. And yes…the participation of the aforementioned and omnipresent Ford reprising his role from 35 years ago is indeed the appealing and motivating factor to re-enter the anxiety-driven world of intrusive replicants, societal annihilation and the guessing game of humanity infiltration.
It seems that the intense workmanlike charm and structured suspense in the rebooted **Blade Runner 2049** has not missed a single beat as it colorfully brings its brand of contemplative tension and underlying humorous texture to this sumptuous spectacle. Importantly, the film’s philosophical edginess and saturated cynicism stays true to Scott’s unflinching vision of introspection about the valued properties of life and who are the chief architects of such a unique gift of existence. Consequently, speechless Science Fiction audiences once again are transfixed by the mesmerizing yet old adage about the rivaling ‘have’s and ‘have nots’ especially so vital in the gloomy squalor and doomsday darkness that Scott created so fervently in his vintage edition that set the stage for renegade blade runners in a power struggle with defiant, roguish replicants disastrously flirting with the sacred boundaries of humankind.
Filmmaker Denis Villeneuve (‘Arrival’, ‘Sicario’, ‘Prisoners’) has stepped into some pretty mighty cinematic shoes in dusting of the mothballs of _Blade Runner’s_ haunting and hedonistic past in an accomplished effort to bring forth a percolating potboiler of a challenging and imaginative hue to its succulent successor in 2049 with surging, exquisite aplomb. Screenwriters Michael Green (‘Alien: Covenant’, ‘Logan’) and Hampton Fancher (‘Blade Runner’, ‘The Minus Man’) manage to brilliantly convey the dystopian disillusionment as the caustic yet compelling commentary concerning the decline of humanity and how it is feverishly on the brink of non-existence. The fuzzy lines are crossed for the calculating chaos and corruptible wheels that are turning so aimlessly and shockingly. The sins of sinners, good, bad or indifferent, gloriously are stemmed in moodiness and mystery. Additionally, notably iconic cinematographer Roger Deakins (‘Fargo’) cultivates a dank, hazy-coated landscape where shadowy imagery compliments the dour suspicions of determined man versus durable machine co-existing in a hostile futuristic fantasy world of techno-dismal dimensions. Also, kudos are reserved for Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch for their soaring, energetic score that undercuts the tension and turmoil.
In a nutshell, Ryan Goslin (Oscar-nominated for 2016’s ‘La La Land’) is a young blade runner known as ‘K’ whose mission is to track down veteran Rick Deckard (the returning Harrison Ford…also a former Oscar nominee) in the aftermath of a major uncovered secretive revelation that requires the missing senior badge-flashing blade runner’s undivided attention. The problem remains, however, is that Deckard has been out of circulation for three decades and so the search is on for K to hunt down the long-absent Deckard.
Indeed, Officer K’s critical and contemplative police work is, to mildly put it, seek out the about-to-expire, unpredictable and resistant replicants and eradicate them when necessary. The replicants, mechanical menaces with artificial intelligence that are living among the humans incognito, are the main focus of the LAPD and K enthusiastically is immersed in the manhunt for the hidden techno-tyrants with militant mindsets that could strike at any moment among the walking flesh. K strives to put them out of their mechanical misery as his sworn duty to serve and protect but he is handcuffed (no pun intended) by the political politeness and procedural proprieties as pushed by his boss Lt. Joshi (Robin Wright). Basically, K is under surveillance based on his fragile mental state and Joshi is the one to contain this gritty-minded cop’s wandering psyche.
Thankfully, there is undeniable texture and intensity that fortifies **Blade Runner 2049** due to the layered and complex story that effectively taps into the robust realm of man’s possible mercy call at the dominant feet of advanced and sophisticated technology. This observational sentiment certainly rings true in contemporary times as selective human beings feel lost, intimidated, overwhelmed and need to surrender to the mounting shifty pressures of an exposed society seemingly ruled by sinning opportunists on both sides of the shady aisle, mechanisms rendered equally with blood and bolts.
Refreshingly, **Blade Runner 2049** is devoutly cerebral in passion and old school perception. Oddly, Villeneuve’s mixture of science fictional roots and thought-provoking dramatic art house probing works while adding a realistic and somber milieu of existential foreshadowing. Gosling is gloriously geared as the hound dog-faced law enforcer too close for comfort on the fringe of film noir-style burnout as he gets embroiled deep into an abyss of head-scratching discoveries. Ford does not miss a single beat as the gravel-faced, handsome-aged Deckard saddled in adventurous mode despite the matured years since his early 80s heyday in the mundane, ground-breaking _Blade Runner_ blueprint from yesterday. Oscar winner Jared Leto (‘Dallas Buyers Club’) joyously lets it all hang out as the wickedly off-kilter character Niander Wallace. The feminine inclusion of Wright’s top policing babysitter Joshi and Ana de Armas as K’s love interest, Joi, are welcomed personalities. Ex-wrestler/actor Dave Bautista (hot off the ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ film series) is a larger-than-life specimen as always in proven popcorn blockbusters.
Convincingly well-structured, profound, purposeful and without a prosaic bone in its bountiful body **Blade Runner 2049** is stunningly sumptuous Science Fiction theater for the thinking man and for the progressive machinery master-blasters as well.
**Blade Runner 2049** (2017)
Warner Bros. Pictures
2 hrs. 44 mins.
Starring: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Robin Wright, Jared Leto, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks, Mackenzie Davis, Lennie James, Dave Bautista and Carla Juri
Directed by: Denis Villeneuve
Written by: Michael Green and Hampton Fancher
MPAA Rating: R
Genre: Science Fiction/Action & Adventure/Fantasy/Drama
Critic’s Rating: ***1/2 stars (out of 4 stars)
(c) **Frank Ochieng** (2017
The film was actually rather disappointing. As a film it was OK, but as a sequel to Blade Runner, it was terrible. There were some nice in-jokes and references, but overall low-brow junk masquerading as high-brow gold (it was directed by Villeneuve, so I really shouldn't have expected better, the only thing he's good at is making stupid people think they are clever). Everything seemed forced and unnatural. The plot was trite and cliched, and everything was very predictable. Totally a wasted opportunity ;^
Strikes a true balance between new and old. Denis Villeneuve has a perfect filmmaking record in my mind, and _Blade Runner 2049_ continues that trend with aplomb.
_Final rating:★★★★ - Very strong appeal. A personal favourite._
As a movie this is a very good movie. The scenery, the acting, the colors etc. are of a very high technical standard. To me personally however, this movie is much too dark and depressing for my taste.
I cannot say that I am surprised that the movie is dark. The first movie was a rather dark one after all and this one is a truly post-apocalyptic one. I quite liked the first movie despite its dark setting though. However this one takes the darkness and melancholy to an entirely new level.
As I said before, technically the movie is great. The scenery is stunning whether it is a dirty little hut out in the badlands or the equally dirty vast cityscapes. The scenes of the abandoned city where Decker is (re)introduced is sad but beautiful.
The acting is more or less great from all the main characters and the special effects are very well done and just right to fit with the rest of the movie.
Unfortunately I cannot bring myself to give it more than 3 out of 5 stars. It has nothing to do with the quality of the film but a lot to do with my personal taste which of course is reflected in my ratings.
I don't understand what people like in this movie. It has some good things, but nothing much to deserve such big rating. Soundtracks & atmosphere are really good & it's well shot, however story is confusing & everything is all over the place. I still didn't understand what was the whole story of movie and it is extremely slow & prolonged. Very small amount of talking & a lot observing moments. Every minor action is prolonged. Like you see man laying in the snow for a few minutes & etc... I didn't like the movie & it took more than 2:30 hours of torture and boredom...
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