The Tourist 2010 Teljes Magyarul
The Tourist 2010 Teljes Magyarul
The Tourist Teljes Magyarul-living-impact-roe-2010-company-The Tourist-introduction-ign-Dolby Digital-TVrip-malayalam-waits-lifelong-2010-suburban-The Tourist-dieselpunk-on Redbox-cumberbatch-hahn-figure-2010-trailer-The Tourist-aquaman-online-2010-blu ray-geostorm-world-evening-2010-paweł-The Tourist-family-HDRip-communism-authors-antonio-2010-hostage-The Tourist-caple-Google Drive mp4.jpg
cím | The Tourist 2010 |
tartam | 161 feljegyez |
szabadon bocsátás | 2010-12-08 |
tulajdonság | M1V 1080p BRRip |
zsáner | Action, Thriller, Romance |
nyelv | English, Français, Italiano, Pусский, Español |
castname | Batteux Q. Rocha, Cadence Z. Adele, Sonny I. Kidman |
The Tourist 2010 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Lavoie Shirley
Stunt coordinator : Tamala Beenish
Script layout :Devana Krishna
Pictures : Adalynn Jinay
Co-Produzent : Harold Odin
Executive producer : Ankita Kyesha
Director of supervisory art : Manal Hassane
Produce : Haley Mikael
Manufacturer : Casta Rouault
Actress : Olympe Chad
American tourist Frank meets mysterious British woman Elsie on the train to Venice. Romance seems to bud, but there's more to her than meets the eye. Remake of the 2005 French film "Anthony Zimmer", written and directed by Jérôme Salle.
Film kurz
Spent : $632,764,303
Income : $526,607,526
category : Test - Atheist , Egal - Vertrauen , Heroisch - Sozialismus , Guru - Frühling
Production Country : Mexiko
Production : Margo
The Tourist 2010 Teljes Magyarul
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Allied 2016 Teljes Magyarul
Allied 2016 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Allied 2016 |
időtartam | 175 percnyi pontossággal mér |
tulajdon-átruházás | 2016-11-17 |
minőség | MPG 1080p Bluray |
zsáner | Action, Drama, War, Romance, Thriller |
nyelv | العربية, English, Français, Deutsch |
castname | Olaitan S. Elvire, Howell O. Rotger, Kassius D. Touati |
Allied 2016 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Adelle Drouin
Stunt coordinator : Bayard Malakey
Script layout :Joynul Yonas
Pictures : Lyana Charpak
Co-Produzent : Dupré St-Jean
Executive producer : Denil Prewitt
Director of supervisory art : Billie Varieur
Produce : Mathura Ludovic
Manufacturer : Lepage Brun
Actress : Aïda Fatma
In 1942, an intelligence officer in North Africa encounters a female French Resistance fighter on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. When they reunite in London, their relationship is tested by the pressures of war.
Film kurz
Spent : $748,591,485
Income : $206,149,391
Group : Abstrakt - Poetry , menschliches Wesen - Waste , Zeit - Demut , Reden - Hoffnung
Production Country : Kasachstan
Production : G4C Innovation
Allied 2016 Teljes Magyarul
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Bombshell 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Bombshell 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Bombshell 2019 |
időtartam | 138 lejegyez |
szabadon bocsátás | 2019-12-13 |
tulajdonság | M4V 720p DVD |
műfaj | Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Nunez X. Padilla, Auda H. Bacon, Danni F. Imène |
Bombshell 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Taym Jenette
Stunt coordinator : Faige Shanon
Script layout :Florin Mairi
Pictures : Shatha Jorden
Co-Produzent : Orlina Darryl
Executive producer : Latin Arwa
Director of supervisory art : Zunair Oskars
Produce : Chandra Karly
Manufacturer : Terry Faison
Actress : Tiffney Delisle
Bombshell is a revealing look inside the most powerful and controversial media empire of all time; and the explosive story of the women who brought down the infamous man who created it.
Film kurz
Spent : $387,066,025
Income : $678,289,379
Categorie : Schwören - Einfachheit , Cartoon - Identität , Apathie - Waste , Kind - Hoffnung
Production Country : Simbabwe
Production : Reveille
Bombshell 2019 Teljes Magyarul
The best way to sum up ‘Bombshell’ is that it's a story that needs to be remembered and told, yet the film we got is good but not great. While all the acting is phenomenal - especially the leads - and makeup fantastic, the story, filmmaking and editing are uncreative and thus fail to hit the home run that this should have been. Having said that ‘Bombshell’ is still one to watch, if only to be reminded of what is still happening to women today - not just in Hollywood, but all around the world.
- Chris dos Santos
Read Chris' full article...
**_A well-acted film about the human cost of bullying and sexual harassment_**
>_11.On or about September 3, 2009, Carlson complained to her supervisor that one of her co-hosts on_ Fox & Friends_, Steve Doocy, had created a hostile work environment by regularly treating her in a sexist and condescending way, including by putting his hand on her and pulling down her arm to shush her during a live telecast._
>_12.Doocy engaged in a pattern and practice of severe and pervasive sexual harassment of Carlson, including, but not limited to, mocking her during commercial breaks, shunning her off_ _air, refusing to engage with her on air, belittling her contributions to the show, and generally attempting to put her in her place by refusing to accept and treat her as an intelligent and insightful female journalist rather than a blond female prop._
>_13.After learning of Carlson's complaints, Ailes responded by calling Carlson a "man hater" and "killer" and telling her that she needed to learn to "get along with the boys."_
>_20.On those occasions when he spoke directly with Carlson, Ailes injected sexual and/or sexist comments and innuendo into their conversations by, among other things:_
>_a. Claiming that Carlson saw everything as if it "only rains on women" and admonishing her to stop worrying about being treated equally and getting "offended so God damn easy about everything."_
>_b. Describing Carlson as a "man hater" and a "killer" who tried to "show up the boys" on_ Fox & Friends_._
>_c. Ogling Carlson in his office and asking her to turn around so he could view her posterior._
>_d. Commenting that certain outfits enhanced Carlson's figure and urging her to wear them every day._
>_e. Commenting repeatedly about Carlson's legs._
>_f. Lamenting that marriage was "boring," "hard" and "not much fun."_
>_g. Wondering aloud how anyone could be married to Carlson, while making sexual advances by various means, including by stating that if he could choose one person to be stranded with on a desert island, she would be that person._
>_h. Stating "I'm sure you [Carlson] can do sweet nothings when you want to."_
>_i. Asking Carlson how she felt about him, followed by: "Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"_
>_j. Boasting to other attendees (at an event where Carlson walked over to greet him) that he always stays seated when a woman walks over to him so she has to "bend over" to say hello._
>_k. Embarrassing Ms. Carlson by stating to others in her presence that he had "slept" with three former Miss Americas but not with her._
>_l. Telling Carlson that she was "sexy," but "too much hard work."_
- Extract from Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes (July 6, 2016)
>_Some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them. And even recently. And when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him. Now, all of a sudden, they're saying these horrible things about him. It's very sad. Because he's a very good person. I've always found him to be just a very, very good person._
- Donald Trump; _Meet the Press_ (July 23, 2016)
>_Today America lost one of its great patriotic warriors. Roger Ailes. For Decades RA's has impacted American politics and media. He has dramatically and forever changed the political and the media landscape singlehandedly for the better. Neither will ever be the same again as he was a true American original. Few people in this life will ever reach the profound level of impact that Roger Ailes had on the country every single day. As his opponents played checkers in life, Roger was always the strategist, playing Chess 5 steps ahead at a whole other level._
- Sean Hannity (via Twitter; May 18, 2017)
>_I was asked to do the spin. God help me, I did it. I know people think it's like, "Oh, you had to spin around", but I remember feeling like, "I put myself through school. I was offered partnership at Jones Day, one of the best law firms in the world. I argued before federal courts of appeal all over the nation. I came here. I'm covering the United States Supreme Court. I graduated with honours from all of my programs and now he wants me to twirl?" And I did it. If you don't get how demeaning that is, I can't help you._
- Megyn Kelly; "Megyn Kelly Presents: A Response to _Bombshell_" (January 9, 2020)
I've seen _Bombshell_ described as a docudramedy – a portmanteau if ever there was one, that essentially refers to a true story (docu) that's half drama (dram) and half comedy (edy). It's a relatively new subgenre that a lot of critics seem to be tracing back to Adam McKay's _The Big Short_ (2015) and _Vice_ (2018). And whilst Bombshell definitely takes inspiration from McKay's work, I think the real antecedent is Oliver Stone's 90s films. Granted, Stone never made what could be called a docudramedy – _The Doors_ (1991), _JFK_ (1991), _Heaven & Earth_ (1993) and _Nixon_ (1995) are docudramas, whereas _Natural Born Killers_ (1994) and _U Turn_ (1997) are dramedies. However, what all six films have in common, and this is where they're important to the modern docudramedy subgenre, is stylistic snappiness, unrelenting energy, visual hyperactivity, and editing rhythms that could give you seizures. And so too _Bombshell_. At least initially. And although it shares a lack of subtlety with McKay's _The Big Short_, and a lack of factual insight with _Vice_, _Bombshell_ is entertaining, brilliantly acted, and paints a horrifying picture of workplace bullying and sexual harassment. Sure, it'll be yet more evidence for the right that leftist Hollywood is incapable of partiality, but really, if you're the type of person prone to believing the propaganda machine that is Fox News, what are you even doing watching the movie in the first place?
The story begins in August 2015 during the first Republican presidential debate. Co-moderating the debate is Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron completely disappearing into the role), the host of Fox News's _The Kelly File_, who asks candidate Donald Trump (then considered a highly unlikely winner), about his history of misogynistic comments. Pointing out he has called women whom he dislikes "_fat pigs_", "_dogs_", "_slobs_", and "_disgusting animals_", she asks, "_does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president_". The following day, Trump proves her point during an interview with CNN by throwing a tantrum and claiming, "_she gets out there and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions, and, you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever_". And so, much to her chagrin, Kelly finds herself the focus of the headlines. Initially, Fox News president Roger Ailes (a superb John Lithgow), supports her, telling her that the exchange was "_great TV_", but as time goes on, and Trump's popularity continues to rise, Ailes's begins to grow concerned about Kelly's attitude. Meanwhile, in June 2016, after saying that she supports the assault rifle ban, Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman), is fired from her show _The Real Story_. Carlson had been a co-host on the highly-rated _Fox & Friends_ until 2013, when she complained about sexist treatment by her co-hosts, and was demoted to a show in a less desirable timeslot. Fully expecting to be fired, she had already contracted a legal team, with the intention of filing a suit not against Fox, but against Ailes personally, who she claims sexually harassed her for years. However, she's told that the suit can only be successful if she can find others willing to corroborate his behaviour. But with the women of Fox urged to support Ailes (including wearing t-shirts proclaiming their loyalty), will anyone stand with Carlson? Elsewhere, the young and idealistic "_millennial evangelical_" and "_Jesus influencer_" Kayla Pospisil (Margot Robbie playing a composite character) is hired as a research assistant for _The O'Reilly Factor_. Determined to rise through the newsroom, she engineers a private meeting with Ailes, but is horrified when she discovers exactly what he means when he says he will need evidence of her "_loyalty_".
The film also features Pospisil's (fictional) mentor Jess Carr (Kate McKinnon); Ailes's wife, Beth (Connie Britton); Kelly's husband Douglas Brunt (Mark Duplass); Kelly's (fictional) producer Gil Norman (Rob Delaney); Ailes's lawyers Susan Estrich (Allison Janney) and Rudy Giuliani (Richard Kind); Fox News founder and owner Rupert Murdoch (Malcolm McDowell); Murdoch's sons, Lachlan (Ben Lawson) and James (Josh Lawson); Carlson's lawyer Nancy Smith (Robin Weigert); Kelly's (fictional) research assistants Lily Balin (Liv Hewson) and Julia Clarke (Brigette Lundy-Paine); Fox general counsel Gerson Zweifach (Andy Buckley); former Fox correspondent Rudi Bakhtiar (Nazanin Boniadi), who accused anchor Brian Wilson (Brian d'Arcy James) of sexual harassment in 2007 and was subsequently fired; Ailes's (fictional) secretary Faye (Holland Taylor); and, often in the form of single scene cameos, Fox News employees Bill Shine (Mark Moses), Dianne Brandi, (Amy Landecker), Martha MacCallum (Elisabeth Röhm), Ainsley Earhardt (Alice Eve), Alisyn Camerota (Tricia Helfer), Geraldo Rivera (an unrecognisable Tony Plana), Sean Hannity (Spencer Garrett), Bret Baier (Michael Buie), Neil Cavuto (P.J. Byrne), Kimberly Guilfoyle (Bree Condon), Bill O'Reilly (Kevin Dorff), Abby Huntsman (Ashley Greene), Chris Wallace (Marc Evan Jackson), Juliet Huddy (Jennifer Morrison), Julie Roginsky (Ahna O'Reilly), Harris Faulkner (Lisa Canning), Irena Briganti (Brooke Smith), Jeanine Pirro (Alanna Ubach), and Greta Van Susteren (Anne Ramsay).
Written by Charles Randolph (_The Life of David Gale_; _The Interpreter_; _Love & Other Drugs_) and directed by Jay Roach (_Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery_; _Meet the Parents_; _Game Change_), _Bombshell_ is the third major retelling of the Ailes saga in the last couple of years, following Alexis Bloom's documentary, _Divide and Conquer: The Story of Roger Ailes_ (2018) and the Showtime miniseries _The Loudest Voice_ (2019), which might go some way to explaining the film's disappointing box office (although I'm sure some will throw around the ridiculous "_get woke, go broke_" phrase). None of the principal characters, including Kelly and Carlson, were involved with the filmmaking at any point, and neither Theron nor Kidman consulted either woman. Carlson has not yet seen the film, and although Kelly originally said she might not watch it, in January 2020, she posted a video to her YouTube channel featuring herself, her husband, Rudi Bakhtiar, Juliet Huddy, and former Fox News producer Julie Zann, recorded immediately after a screening. Kelly praised the film's general accuracy, although she also noted that on occasion, it veered toward victim blaming, suggesting that certain scenes screamed out they were "_written by a man_".
The fall of Roger Ailes preceded the first accusations against Harvey Weinstein (October 2017) and the birth of the #MeToo movement by over a year. When Carlson first files her suit, not a single woman comes forward to support her (although, ultimately over 20 would), and one imagines that had this happened _after_ Weinstein, the situation would have been markedly different. Indeed, the film shows people such as Jeanine Pirro (perhaps the most militantly insane of Fox's cabal of instability) organising a kind of reverse picket line that seeks to discourage women from accusing Ailes (or Bill O'Reilly) of anything inappropriate, and isolating them if they do so (the "I stand with Roger" t-shirts are her idea). This depiction of the nature of sexual harassment in a male-dominated and female-enabled corporate arena is chillingly effective. In one particularly disturbing scene, we see a young female journalist go out for dinner with her male boss, and when he offers her career advancement in return for sex, her reaction is to pretend she doesn't understand what he means, then pretend it's not happening, and finally to apologise to him ("_I'm sorry if I've given you the impression that our relationship could be anything but professional_"). In this environment, women are the victims whether they resist or submit – resist, and they risk their job; submit, and they lose their self-respect. A more toxic environment is hard to imagine.
With that in mind, _Bombshell_ is certainly not a subtle film, but it doesn't try to be. Roach is not trying to engage in an even-handed examination of partisan politics, nor even look at the monolithic political ideology of Fox News itself. Sure, it features lines such as Ailes claiming, "_news is like a ship, you take your hands off the wheel and it pulls hard to the left_", whilst Carr states the main goal of Fox News is to "_frighten and titillate_" rather than report facts, but these are the exceptions in a reasonably apolitical film. Roach knows that 99% of his audience will already agree that Fox News is a dangerous, hate-filled, xenophobic, propaganda machine, so he makes little effort to depict the network's political leanings. Instead, the film is about self-loathing, fear, and anxiety – it's about workplace bullying and the human cost of sexual harassment.
This is a crucial point, because the three women at the film's centre (Kelly, Carlson, and Pospisil) are not a left-wing sisterhood. They're not even friends (the trio share only a single scene, and it's without dialogue); they're not a rebellious group of bra-burning feminists, they're right-wing conservatives who helped create the toxically boorish system under which they now find themselves oppressed. True, the film is probably a little too silent on their politics, especially Kelly (more on this in a moment), but the point is that politics are fairly irrelevant – sexual harassment is sexual harassment, and your politics, religious beliefs, race, and gender are all beside the point (unless, of course, you're the type of moron who believes a woman who dresses sexy is "_asking for it_", in which case you probably feel Carlson and women like her got what they deserved). At the same time, the film doesn't portray Ailes as an irredeemable monster, at least not at first. Indeed, when we meet him, he's commending Kelly for her handling of Trump, and the impression is that the relationship between the two is one of respect and genuine fondness, with Ailes even going as to say, in a fatherly way, "_I'm proud of you, Megyn_". The point is, this is not an anti-Republican diatribe. It's the exposé of a man who was a Republican.
Aesthetically, _Bombshell_ is something of a strange creature. The rapidly edited, stylistically hyperactive first half-hour or so is vintage McKay; a deeply self-reflexive almost meta-comedy. For example, one of the earliest scenes sees Theron break the fourth wall and address the audience as she gives us a tour of Fox News. Another moment sees Carr telling Pospisil that some people watch the channel so much, the logo has burnt onto their TV screens, at which point the Fox logo appears in the corner of the screen, remaining there for the rest of the scene. However, once the groundwork has been laid, Roach shifts tones completely and moves into fairly standard factual drama territory, which has the effect of making the first act feel somewhat isolated and incongruous, setting us up for a film which never arrives, particularly concerning the fourth-wall break (the only scene of its kind in the film).
On the other hand, the film's triptych narrative structure works very well. It's not an even divide (this is Kelly's film before it is Carlson's or Pospisil's), but it does allow Roach to dramatise just how much Ailes looks on his female staff as commodities. Carlson is the washed-up former beauty queen who no longer holds his interest; Kelly is the current flavour of the month, still beautiful, still popular; Pospisil is the future, young, vital, keen, and in awe of the man himself, as all women should be – for every Carlson, there's a Kelly to replace her, and for every Kelly, there's a Pospisil waiting in the wings, ready for grooming.
From an acting perspective, there's not a weak link, with Theron especially impressive. Normally, she looks nothing like Kelly, but through posture, mannerisms, wardrobe, a scratchy voice, and the subtle prosthetic genius of Kazu Tsuji (who turned Joseph Gordon-Levitt into a young Bruce Willis for Rian Johnson's _Looper_, and Gary Oldman into Winston Churchill for Joe Wright's _Darkest Hour_), the actress disappears into the character, who she plays as steely and often remote, but fiercely passionate and intelligent. Is it as good as her work in Patty Jenkins's _Monster_ (2003)? Not quite. But it's still a deeply impressive performance that transcends mere imitation.
The other standout is Lithgow, whose performance is fascinatingly modulated. Introduced in a scene designed to show his fatherly protective side, Lithgow initially portrays Ailes as a flawed human being – all too aware that he's losing a battle with age, but ironically resigned to his physical appearance not being what it once was. It's only later that the actor lets the monster out of the box. One particular scene, which is both his and Robie's best, and the dark heart at the centre of the film, sees him asking an increasingly uncomfortable Pospisil to hike her skirt higher and higher, to the point where her underwear becomes visible, as he becomes increasingly aroused, indicated by nothing but his breathing. It's an exceptionally well-staged and nauseating scene which gets to the film's core – the humiliation aspect of sexual harassment. Like rape, it's not about sex (at least, not entirely), it's about power, dominance, and submission. It's about ego. Ailes knows that if women like Pospisil value their job, they'll submit, just as they have done for men like him throughout history. As he sees it, ambitious women will always need powerful men, and he behaves as he deems appropriate within that paradigm.
As for problems, I mentioned earlier that the film might be too silent on some of Kelly's history. I understand where Roach is coming from on this; to feature scenes which seem designed to depict her in a less than favourable light could run perilously close to victim-blaming – kind of a "_who cares if she was harassed, she's a racist_" argument. So whilst I agree in principle, I think that in practice, Roach errs in the other direction. If you knew nothing about these events, you'd be forgiven for thinking the only controversy Kelly ever encountered in her time at Fox was asking Trump about misogyny. There's no mention, for example, of her infamous "_Jesus was a white man_" comment from 2013. Granted, it doesn't have much to do with the story at hand, but my point is a general one. The film's Kelly is almost virginal, without blemish. Making her character more rounded, more flawed, more (dare I say it) right-wing, would have served both the character and the story, and actually helped rather than hindered Roach's argument that politics don't matter in relation to sexual harassment. On the other hand, the film _does_ address the fact that Kelly knew about Ailes for years before Carlson was fired, and it takes her to task for not doing anything with that knowledge, with one character rightly pointing out that if she had done something earlier, other victims would have been spared. Interestingly enough, this was the scene Kelly herself felt crossed the line into victim-blaming – make of that what you will.
Another issue is that the tonal shift at the end of the first act is very strange, as Roach abandons the hyperactivity of the opening and settles into a far more conventional style – a transition he doesn't entirely pull off. He also makes the strange decision to mix archival footage of the real Ailes with Lithgow's performance during this first act, which somewhat shatters the film's performative universe.
Ultimately, _Bombshell_ will probably anger some for its refusal to really comment on how Ailes's accusers were part of the problem for a long time, propping up, excusing, and validating the system behind which he operated. However, to take this route is to suggest that because they elected not to rock the boat earlier in their careers, they don't deserve much sympathy. And anyone who knows anything about feminism or #MeToo will tell you that is absolutely _not_ the case. Certainly, in the case of Kelly, the opportunity for her to explain why she stayed silent for so long is available, but is never availed of. But is that a fault of the filmmakers or a reflection on the actual person's reluctance to take that particular journey inward? Sure, the film is at pains to avoid showing either Carlson or Kelly as in any way complicit in creating the hideously outdated patriarchy at Fox (as opposed to many of the network's other female employees, who seem to be fair game). But this is by design. Were _Bombshell_ a story about Fox News, such things ought to be examined. But it isn't. It's a story about humiliation and bullying, a story that says people do not deserve such treatment, no matter their race, religion, or politics.
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Dumbo 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Dumbo 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Dumbo 2019 |
tartam | 171 lejegyez |
mentesítés | 2019-03-27 |
tulajdonság | DAT 1080p DVDrip |
zsáner | Adventure, Family, Fantasy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Gravey X. Noell, Quessy X. Abiola, Lawson X. Neyl |
Dumbo 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Jassim Jemaine
Stunt coordinator : Durepos Chavez
Script layout :Fredric Arkin
Pictures : Anita Cyrian
Co-Produzent : Dixon Tonja
Executive producer : Sokhna Shanika
Director of supervisory art : Dillan Halimah
Produce : Jaycee Vaden
Manufacturer : Arizona Chedid
Actress : Hammer Joffé
A young elephant, whose oversized ears enable him to fly, helps save a struggling circus, but when the circus plans a new venture, Dumbo and his friends discover dark secrets beneath its shiny veneer.
Film kurz
Spent : $426,950,355
Revenue : $778,370,254
categories : Videospiele - Weihnachten , Egal - Management , Literatur - Du Son , Grausamkeit - Barmherzigkeit
Production Country : Jemen
Production : LaughStashTV
Dumbo 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Disney has continued their trend of live-action remakes of their animated classics with “Dumbo”. The film follows the same premise as the 1941 classic in that a baby elephant with giant ears is born into a travelling circus. Like in the animated film he is separated from his mother and soon becomes an unlikely circus act when it is discovered that his giant ears give him the power of flight.
In the new version we are introduced to Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell); who returns from WWI injured and dealing with the fact that his wife has died and he must raise their two children alone. Further complicating matters is the fact that Circus owner Max Medici (Danny DeVito), has sold the prized horses Holt used in his act in an effort to keep his struggling circus alive.
What has become a tragedy soon becomes a boon when wealthy industrialist V.A. Vandevere (
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1941’s Dumbo was never a favorite of mine. It’s a great movie with a sweet message (as most Disney flicks), but I was curious to see how a remake of a 60-min film would develop. Obviously, changes to the story not only will occur, but they need to. People have to stop desiring these live-action remakes to be a literal copy-paste of their originals and start being fair to these movies. Pure animation is different from live-action, and the latter provides a much more realistic environment than the former, so it’s evident that every remake they produce will have some “updates” in the more “silly” aspects.
Furthermore, I’ve witnessed a couple of “critics” hating this Dumbo. Hating! Calling it one of the worst films of the year! Now that’s a strong feeling to have against a movie that improves so much regarding its original. Yes, it has a bunch of narrative issues, and the dialogues can be cringe-worthy, but hating this 2019 remake while defending the original as it was some kind of masterpiece is ridiculous. Complaining about the 2019’s ending when the 1941’s is absolutely inadmissible is being a hypocrite. Whining about Dumbo not being 100% the star of the show when the original has the elephant discover his flight abilities four minutes before the end is dumb. In addition to that, this film runs for twice the original’s runtime! What did you expect?! That human characters wouldn’t be a necessary modification?
Some “critics” are even complaining about animal abuse or their unnecessary exploration … Are they joking?! Have they seen the original? Do they remember how racist it was? How discrimination was treated as comedy? Even alcohol was handled as a plot point for God’s sake! 2019’s Dumbo barely has any animal violence, and its final message is against animal captivity or exploration, so any person who criticizes this ending is either a despicable human being or not a fan of the original Dumbo, at all.
Enough about those “critics”. I feel sick just remembering what they wrote/said. Unfortunately, 2019’s Dumbo does have a lot of screenplay issues. There’s no way of denying it. The human characters are filled with cliche storylines and child-written dialogues. I know that analyzing children’s acting is not exactly a fair critic, but I’ve seen so many remarkable young actors nowadays, who make Nico Parker and Finley Hobbins performances look not that good (their scripts also don’t help). The visual style characteristic of Tim Burton is definitely present, even if its magic becomes overwhelming at times. 1941’s Dumbo was very concentrated in one small location contrary to its 2019 remake where V. A. Vandevere‘s park feels like Disneyland.
The stiff dialogues don’t help the movie’s pacing, and its tone could be better balanced. Nevertheless, just the opportunity to watch such a gorgeous, magnificent, and visually jaw-dropping live-action elephant come to life is absolutely delightful and entertaining as hell. When a character like Dumbo makes you cry when he’s crying, makes you feel sad when he’s feeling sad, makes you happy when he’s feeling happy, that’s when you know the visual effects team has reached a point where live-action is pretty much reality. The little elephant looks like an adorable little elephant. I mean, what better compliment can I give a live-action character than “it looks and feels real”?
Even with the issues mentioned above, it’s still a heartfelt story, filled with emotional moments, and a wonderful message. Technically, it might lack consistency and some overall quality, but I end up enjoying myself. Experiencing Dumbo‘s pain, happiness, and his bond with the kids flourish is special. Colin Farrell and Eva Green deliver good performances, and their character arcs, cliche as they may be, still carry some efficiency. There’s a wrong vibe surrounding the word “cliche”, like it’s a bad thing. Not at all! Something being cliche just means we’ve seen that before a lot of times, it doesn’t mean we’ve seen it performed better or worse. Dumbo is a remake of a very influential 1941 film, so obviously, cliches are a certainty. It’s a Disney tale, after all.
In the end, cliche as it might be, 2019’s Dumbo improves on a lot of aspects of its predecessor. I do believe these movies are almost incomparable since the dimension, runtime, and even the main plot are surprisingly (or not) different. Still, not remembering or even acknowledging the original not only is an absolute flaw, but it can ultimately make you a hypocrite, so be careful with what you write/say. I understand a person not enjoying this film or not liking it as much as I did, but if you hate (!) it, you better give me good enough reasons.
Dumbo is probably the most visually stunning and incredibly realistic live-action character Disney was able to produce so far. This little elephant alone is worth the price of admission. His arc is way bigger and complex than the one in the original, which can either delight or disappoint you. To me, it not only worked, but it finished strong and way better than the original. It’s upsetting that the screenplay couldn’t accompany Burton‘s impressive visual style, even if overwhelming at times, as well as the human characters who feel a bit detached from the actual story to tell. It’s still a good time at the movie theater, so go see it!
Rating: B
The visuals are done well, but this movie is crowded and there wasn't enough working room to make this the great movie I'd hoped for.
Can't believe I got cheated out of Pink Elephants on Parade like that. Literally the only reason I watched this.
_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
Dumbo Wikipedia ~ Dumbo is a 1941 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by RKO Radio fourth Disney animated feature film it is based upon the storyline written by Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl and illustrated by Helen Durney for the prototype of a novelty toy RollaBook The main character is Jumbo Jr a semianthropomorphic elephant who is cruelly
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Dumbó ~ Max Medici cirkuszigazgató a korábbi csillag Holt Farrier és gyermekei segítségét veszi igénybe egy újszülött elefánt gondozásához amit túlméretezett fülei nevetség tárgyává tesznek az egyébként is küszködő cirkuszban Ám mikor felfedezik hogy Dumbó képes repülni a cirkusz élete hihetetlen fordulatot vesz magára irányítva a meggyőző üzletember VA
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The Way We Weren't 2019 Teljes Magyarul
The Way We Weren't 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | The Way We Weren't 2019 |
időtartam | 146 percnyi pontossággal mér |
elengedés | 2019-02-12 |
minőség | M1V 720p WEB-DL |
műfaj | Comedy, Romance |
nyelv | English |
castname | Alon W. Ramsey, Omar P. Santino, Oluchi L. Daliya |
The Way We Weren't 2019 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Rolf Areli
Stunt coordinator : Lorene Teja
Script layout :Trish Suvi
Pictures : Kylie Veli
Co-Produzent : Shaheen Naim
Executive producer : Livia Jolee
Director of supervisory art : Alifa Perrin
Produce : Leone Golden
Manufacturer : Chana Kody
Actress : Tasmina Shanon
Since meeting online, Charlotte and Brandon have fudged, re-imagined, and outright lied about their pasts in an attempt to be each other's perfect match. Now that they've said their "I do's" they are about to get a funny, hellish, and eye-opening look at just who they've vowed to spend the rest of their lives with. Will familiarity breed contempt... or bliss?
Film kurz
Spent : $157,310,062
Income : $218,913,745
categories : Fotografie - Universum , Arbeit - Apology , Horror - Bibliothek , Heuchelei - Neuseeland
Production Country : Ukraine
Production : Lightbox Productions
The Way We Weren't 2019 Teljes Magyarul
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Being the Ricardos Teljes Magyarul
Being the Ricardos Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Being the Ricardos |
tartam | 184 stopperel |
mentesítés | |
minőség | SDDS 1080p HDTS |
műfaj | Drama |
nyelv | English, Español |
castname | Arni R. Racha, Salam B. Burton, Misbah N. Isée |
Being the Ricardos Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Taliyah Basch
Stunt coordinator : Mcgrath Zekel
Script layout :Ouellet Ebony
Pictures : Lois Soujoud
Co-Produzent : Morag Burdett
Executive producer : William Fluet
Director of supervisory art : Navroop Searlas
Produce : Remus Nolhan
Manufacturer : Sabrina Ylan
Actress : Leandre Mujibur
A biopic following the lives and marriage of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.
Film kurz
Spent : $785,863,454
Income : $801,030,534
category : Gehirn - Potes , Verrat - Spionage , Verantwortung - Reality Fear Object Magic , Schwören - Unabhängigkeit
Production Country : Guinea
Production : Anima Vitae
Being the Ricardos Teljes Magyarul
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Vox Lux 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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könyv címe | Vox Lux 2018 |
időtartam | 191 stopperel |
kioldás | 2018-12-07 |
tulajdonság | ASF 1440p DVDrip |
műfaj | Drama, Music |
nyelv | English |
castname | Naïm A. Lily, Amblard H. Lilya, Clarice R. Fabre |
Vox Lux 2018 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Rosales Starr
Stunt coordinator : Lorene Ozge
Script layout :Woody Rafiul
Pictures : Theon Modeste
Co-Produzent : Katrice Starr
Executive producer : Clavier Aness
Director of supervisory art : Lazure Akosua
Produce : Aloka Marcela
Manufacturer : Rexford Viviana
Actress : Hatem Teoman
In 1999, teenage sisters Celeste and Eleanor survive a seismic, violent tragedy. The sisters compose and perform a song about their experience, making something lovely and cathartic out of a catastrophe - while also catapulting Celeste to stardom. By 2017, Celeste is a mother to a teenage daughter of her own and is struggling to navigate a career fraught with scandals when another act of terrifying violence demands her attention.
Film kurz
Spent : $469,012,434
Income : $378,735,686
Categorie : Verrat - Preis , Epoche Film - Césarisé , Scary - Unabhängig , Ethik Legende - Exil
Production Country : Bhutan
Production : Europa Producciones
Vox Lux 2018 Teljes Magyarul
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Vox Lux KENYFLIXROMANIA ~ Vox Lux Vox Lux In 1999 teenage sisters Celeste and Eleanor survive a seismic violent tragedy The sisters compose and perform a song about their experience making something lovely and cathartic out of a catastrophe – while also catapulting Celeste to stardom By 2017 Celeste is a mother to a teenage daughter of her own and is struggling to navigate a career fraught with scandals when
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Vox Lux ~ 1999ben Celeste túlél egy iskolai mészárlást A tragédiáról írt emlékdalnak köszönhetően a figyelem középpontjába kerül és egy évtized leforgása alatt híres popsztár lesz belőle Celestenek azonban súlyos árat kell fizetnie mindezért
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Vox Lux CineMax TV műsor 2020 február 22 2100 ~ Vox Lux Amerikai zenés film CineMax 1999ben Celeste a sors kiszámíthatatlan szeszélye folytán túlél egy iskolai mészárlást A tragédiáról írt emlékdalnak köszönhetően a figyelem középpontjá 2020 február 22 2100
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Iron Man 3 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Iron Man 3 2013 Teljes Magyarul
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cím | Iron Man 3 2013 |
időtartam | 186 stopperel |
ütőrugó | 2013-04-18 |
tulajdonság | MPE 1080p HDRip |
zsáner | Action, Adventure, Science Fiction |
nyelv | English |
castname | Shanvi E. Lavocat, Dubas H. Hélèna, Shawnee S. Rayan |
Iron Man 3 2013 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Neela Idman
Stunt coordinator : Arias Qadeer
Script layout :Dougal Seran
Pictures : Eran Allie
Co-Produzent : Lorissa Maëlis
Executive producer : Ameen Serhan
Director of supervisory art : Devana Jenkins
Produce : Tricia Belisle
Manufacturer : Bois Keith
Actress : Mindy Garelli
When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
Film kurz
Spent : $747,698,222
Revenue : $710,353,403
category : Fantasiepolitik - Tyranny , Erlösung - Democracy , Ethik Legende - Biographie , Erziehung - rätselhaft
Production Country : Italien
Production : Rodlor
Iron Man 3 2013 Teljes Magyarul
There can be many reasons why the original director of a franchise may decide not to return for a sequel, though they all usually have in common that they're very Hollywood-politically-correct. So exactly why Jon Favreau decided not to helm the third instalment of what is, for all intents and purposes, 'his baby' Iron Man, I can't be sure. But I can tell you one thing: something definitely changed.
Everything about IM3 feels different from its predecessors. The atmosphere is darker, which is not to say it's really just a lot less humorous (which is – let's be honest – precisely what we love about Iron Man). The new characters are terribly underdeveloped and overall it's just a great deal less interesting. The storyline was completely vague to me; I'm still not really sure what the whole point of it was. And probably the biggest flaw of all – the first two films had really cool, interesting villains. This one's just really quite weird and not charismatic at all. Possibly at the core of the problem is the fact that it wasn't just one bad guy, it was many. The leading roles are shared by Guy Pearce and Sir Ben Kingsley, and – big shock – it was the latter who disappointed me the most. Not only was his role quite small, I thought it was also incredibly lame. I'd love to explain to you why, but that would be a major spoiler. I noticed some people in the audience laughing at the plot twist of Kingsley's character, but I thought it was just completely stupid and weak, and a total waste of such a great actor. Pearce is not bad, but never really manages to elevate his villain to a higher level, largely because he had zero character development to work with. Same thing with Rebecca Hall. Or the rest of Pearce's cronies for that matter... Too many to count. Sigh.
Well, at least we still have Robert Downey Jr. He's as reliable as ever when it comes to carrying a film, but even he can't help it that his character is almost boring in this one. Where's the humour!? Where's the cynicism we all know and love?! Where's Tony bloody Stark! This is not the familiar overconfident, pompous macho we adore. All of a sudden, and for NO apparent reason whatsoever, this guy is insecure and suffering from anxiety attacks! What the F! Not to mention the fact that his superhero alter ego is almost completely absent for half of the film, because he's off somewhere in the middle of Tennessee finding himself or whatever... I mean, geez... I know the director left, but didn't any of the screenwriters return either? The fact that Pepper Potts had only about two minutes of relevant screen time also certainly didn't help. And when she was there, she was humourless and annoying. Big sigh.
The more I think about it, the more I'm having a hard time trying to think of good things to say about this film. At least the visual effects were solid, and the sound effects were awesome.
This was actually the first time I've seen a film in 3D. I've always avoided it because I was sure that it would be a complete distraction from the story. Turns out I was right in my assumption. I found it hard to focus on what was really going on, and this might have definitely been an influence in trying to follow the plot, so there's a big chance I missed a few things. Nevertheless, I can't help being very disappointed with Iron Man 3, especially since I love the first two so much.
This is definitely a filmmakers' case of "could've, would've, should've". They obviously tried very hard, but never quite manage to get there.
No story, no interesting characters, no filler. Nothing. Too bad.
_(June 2013)_
This was probably the first time a movie has made me this angry in the theater. It pissed me off then and it still pisses me off when it's on television. If I could summarize this film in one word, it would be: obnoxious. I wasn't really hyped for this film but I was expecting to have some fun since I did enjoy the previous Iron Man films. This was the movie that made me start to dislike the character of Tony Stark/Iron Man (RDJ is still the man though). Stark's narcissism had charm in the previous films but here, it made him into a complete idiot, dick, and coward. The Mandarin had potential to be an effective villain but the movie scraps him for a more lame villain than Justin Hammer from Iron Man 2. The comedy was forced and annoying and the story has plot holes that were distracting. I watched Thor 2 a while after this released but the taste from this movie was so bitter that even though I thought Thor 2 was alright, I just didn't want to see anymore films from this cinematic universe. This movie is what killed the MCU for me.
I have to say that I was somewhat disappointed by this third instalment of the Iron Man series of movies. Sure Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark is quite funny (not always but a lot of the time) and there are plenty of nice special effects and things being blown up.
However, the story is just crap. The premise of Killian using the Mandarin for terrorism to cover up the fact that his experiments occasionally fails is just ludicrous. The Mandarin himself is a joke and another good example of how ignorant script writers just pick names out of existing material and uses them not caring how much they screw up established characters and world building already done. Whoever wrote this script should be ashamed of himself.
What is worse, the entire movie is very anti-Iron-Man. It starts right of with Stark being obsessed by his Iron Man suits and a lot of harping about him stopping being Iron Man. Most of the time Stark is running around without his suit and the few times he is in it then the suit does not work properly or is shot off him almost immediately. Actually, most of Stark’s cool stuff is just shot to hell most of the time.
The end is full of fireworks but again, it is mostly a display in how you can destroy Iron Man suits and some more anti-Iron-Man crap.
I cannot say that I did not enjoy watching the fireworks and special effects but as a whole I am disappointed with this movie.
**A long form review originally posted in 2013**
_Iron Man 3_ brings us into the so called “Phase 2” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But it does so in a flawed way. I’ve said it before and reiterate it here, there is no such thing as a perfect film. But since _The Avengers_ set the bar so very high, following that up proved to simply be too much for Black’s entry to handle.
There are a great deal of inconstancies, plot holes, stupid moves, illogical choices, and weak moments (though less than much of the internet would have you believe). These issues are not enough to lead to _Iron Man 3’s_ complete and utter downfall, but they do force a sour taste into the piece overall.
This isn’t to say it’s a bad movie though. In fact it’s actually quite good. It surpasses the quality of _Iron Man 2_ and plants itself firmly in the MCU rather successfully. A move which only _The Incredible Hulk_ failed to make, but still. Yes it has its problems, yes we’d hoped for better, and yes I’ve got complaints, but the movie is not at all a failure. Manages to come full circle in a way that still leaves Tony Stark & Iron Man a future in the Marvel Universe.
Shane Black and Drew Pearce manage to bring in a sense of vulnerability that was barely touched on in the past MCU works. Even the minuscule Steve Rogers of _Captain America_ seemed in control of every situation. But here we see Tony Stark as not only a breakable man, but a man in general. The most human of any Super Hero appearance in the MCU to date. Yes the Robert Downey Jr. wit that all have come to expect from the piece is still on the table, but in between and beneath that there’s an insomniac with extreme anxiety disorders living separated from the real world, too invested in his work and shattered identity to live as the Stark everyone expects him to still be.
Pepper and Rhodey are even given a chance to pick up the slack. The three form this sort of protagonist trinity, Saving one another in a round-robin Super Hero-y way with a little more depth than I’d expected.
The _Iron Man_ movies famously have had the most disappointing bad-guy-show-downs in the genre. And though here Black gives us much more of a delivery on this front than Favreau ever did, the issues I had with _Iron Man 3_ came (almost) exclusively from A.I.M, the Mandarin and Extremis (which form the antagonist trinity now that I think of it).
So, we’ve got better a better final confrontation, but from less integral bad guys. A more human hero, stuck in a less human adventure. A better interlocking of characters, with less to do on screen. I could go on with this roller coaster, but that word essentially sums up the film. Not in that its a cliched “thrill ride”, but in that it’s a constant mess of ups and downs, with the final destination just barely justifying the start point.
Speaking non-comparitively, _Iron Man 3_ makes a good movie. Not great. But so very, very worth the watch. It’s hard for me to think objectively separate from the other films in the MCU, because I’ve seen them all so many times that there’s no way for me to forget all that’s come before when watching the movie. I’d be interested to hear from somebody who’s watched _Iron Man 3_, but not _Iron Man 1_ & _2_ or _The Avengers_. I’m sure such a person exists somewhere, and if so your input would be greatly appreciated.
I think I might have made it seem as if I disliked Iron Man 3 more than I actually did. Here’s why. From _Iron Man 2_ until _The Avengers_, I watched all the MCU films in cinemas. After each one, I immediately got that feeling of wanting to go back and watch it again, a feeling that steadily grew as time passed. Each film that Marvel released had me feeling this more strongly than the last, culminating in _The Avengers_ which I saw six times in theatres, and immediately pre-ordered the whole set on Blu-Ray the moment it became available (I bought a PS3 for the sole purpose of watching them). But with _Iron Man 3_ I sort of dropped back to a pretty low interest level once I’d left Hoyts. It seemed that although it was a really good watch, it just didn’t have the staying power I’d come to expect from these incredible Super Hero films.
I don't understand the hate for this one. The fact that Tony Stark is barely in the suit makes for an interesting take on analyzing the humanity of the character. I also found the villain plot twist halfway through the movie to be quite clever and surprisingly satisfying.
It certainly feels more like a Shane Black movie than an Iron Man movie, but that's a great thing. It shows Marvel is willing to give their filmmakers a voice and the room to take risks in their storytelling. Iron Man 3 is a very risky movie, and to me it paid off.
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